Question 1
1.1. What is integrated Fruit Production?
1.2. List the four important biological considerations in harvesting and storage of fruits. (4)
1.3. What do you understand by the term Market Share Promotion (MSP), and how does it
help the Horticulture industry?
1.4. Illustrate the fresh and processed fruit industry and markets in Namibia.
1.5. Table grapes are the main production happening in the Orange River Valley, kindly give
the competitive advantage this production has.
Question 2
2.1. You are given a hector field planted at 3 x 2 m spacing thus having 1667 trees, with a
tree yield estimated at 350g. Calculate the block/field yield estimation per 4.5kg box. (5)
2.3. Which Maturity index are used for fruits and vegetables harvesting?
2.3. What do you understand by the term Irrigation scheduling and explain the different
methods used in scheduling.
2.4. Discuss the concept of Integrated pest management (1PM).
2.5. List and elaborate the different environmental factors that accelerate or retard
deterioration by directly and indirectly influencing biological factors.
Question 3
3.1. Discuss the physiological development stages common in fruits and vegetables.
3.2. Briefly elaborate what you understand by the term sustainable agriculture and give the
different pillars of sustainability.
3.3. Analyze the link between sustainable plant production and soil health.
3.4. In your own words discus, in full, the cold storage of fruit.
3.5. You are given a one hector area at Swakopmund River Plots to farm with fruits and
vegetables, taking into consideration the soil and irrigation water quality decide on the fruits
and vegetables that you will grow and outline your management plan.
Total marks: 100