Data Backup and Restoration Strategy
When it comes to the banking sector having a data backup and restoration strategy is important.
A data administrator has the responsibility to prepare for the possibility of hardware, software
or media failure as well as the recovery databases during a disaster. Here, the data backup and
restoration strategy is discussed under four main criteria.
First decide what needs to be backed-up. The database administrator should have a clear idea
about which databases, related operating systems and application components have to be
backed up. There should be an online backup as well as an offline backup. In MySQL server
databases need to backup both system and user databases. With that, there should be a separate
maintenance plan for system databases. In addition, there should be a backup of all user
databases, including database and transactions logs that records all database modifications and
a recovery model set, (Navid Akhtar et al., 2012).
Two types of backup can be applied, these are logical backup and physical backup in MySQL
servers. In the logical backup, the flat files can be restored using Export and Import Wizard, SQL
Server Integration Services Tools. In the physical backup both databases and transactions logs
can be backed up and restored to the database in the point of failure. And this can be used for
very large databases, (Navid Akhtar et al., 2012). Establishing a strategy for handling exceptionally
large database backups is essential when implementing a database backup and restoration
strategy in a bank. With regards to MySQL the database can be partitioned for multiple files and
then backed-up, (Navid Akhtar et al., 2012). The weekly backup cycle can be implemented for a
full backup on Friday night or Saturday morning and differentiate backups on weekdays, (Navid
Akhtar et al., 2012).
Though it is not popular in Sri Lanka, the best place to store backups is the cloud. With the limited
bandwidth and internet speed we have it is hard to have that kind of storing process in the cloud.
But as another option, we are having a practice to backup to a disk, transfer to a tape and store
tapes offsite for disaster recovery processes. (Navid Akhtar et al., 2012).And then it is required
to develop a backup retention policy. Based on the criteria which have to be chosen carefully, to
make sure that, these are compliant with the backup media subsystem retention policy and