Question 1
Effective policy evaluation is constrained by several challenges. These challenges hinder the
successful policy evaluation process. Imagine you are the deputy executive director for the
Department of Administration and IT Management in the Office of the Prime Minister, and you
are required to evaluate the E-governance Policy for the Public Service of Namibia. Analyse any
five challenges you are likely to face in evaluating this policy.
Question 2
Namibia's Industrial Policy was adopted in 2012 with the focus on value addition and
diversification to sustain economic growth. With relevant examples, analyse factors that will
influence the implementation of this policy.
Question 3
According to Cloete and Meyer (2011), policy agenda setting is a deliberate process whereby
policy issues are identified, problems defined and prioritized, support mobilised, and official
policy makers lobbied to take an appropriate action. With reference to any country of your
choice, answer the following questions:
a) Discussthe two types of policy agendas you have learned.
b) Discussthe patterns or models of agenda-setting
(15) [25]
Question 4
Public policies are made by official and non-official policy makers. Official policy makers have
the legitimate authority to formulate public policy. With reference to Namibia, classify official
policy makers and discuss their role. Motivate your answer with relevant examples.
Question 5
Models and theories simplify and clarify the decision-making process. They describe,
conceptualise and analyse the decision-making process in both simple and complex matters. By
the use of relevant examples, compare and contrast the Garbage Can Model and Rounds Model
of decision making.
Question 6
Anderson (2011) identified general typologies of public policies. These typologies are useful in
distinguishing different types of policies.
With motivation, identify the typology for each of the following Namibian policies.
a) National Resettlement Policy
b) Namibia University of Science and Technology Act, Act 7 of 2015
c) Conferment of National Honours Act, Act 11 of 2012