Question 1
1.1 Define sports consumer behaviour and explain its significance in the sports industry.
(5 Marks)
1.2 Discussthe process of decision-making in sports consumer behavior, considering the
following stages:
a) Problem recognition
(3 Marks)
b) Information search
(3 Marks)
c) Evaluation of alternatives
(3 Marks}
d) Purchase decision
(3 Marks)
e) Post-purchase behavior
(3 Marks}
Question 2
Using examples, discuss how the following environmental factors influence an individual's
sporting involvement;
a) Parents, friends, family, coaches and peers
(8 Marks)
b) Cultural norms and values
(8 Marks)
c) Social class factors
(9 Marks)
Question 3
Numerous competitive leagues, clubs or teams have engaged in massive modernised fan
engagement programs across the globe, in numerous sport codes. Explain the following non-
match day fan engagement best practices, with support of any sport leagues, clubs or teams of
your own choice;
a) Team apps
(5 Marks)
b) Loyalty scheme/ rewards
(5 Marks)
c) Sport camp
(5 Marks)
d) Usage of stadiums and surroundings
(5 Marks)
e) Fan activation and visualisation zones
(5 Marks)