Question 1
Integrated Environmental Management is a principle that ensures effective mitigation of
environmental impacts.
(a) Outline five characteristics of IEM.
(b) Use two examples from Southern Africa to demonstrate were Integrated Environmental
Management has been used to effectively reduce environmental impacts and improve
sustainable development.
Question 2
A community campsite is planned for King Nehale Conservancy adjacent to Etosha National
Park. Choose two environmental aspects, and for each aspect choose two impacts and
complete the standard impact assessment table for each, including mitigation measures.
Question 3
Why value ecosystem services as part of the EIA process? Discuss.
Question 4
Proposed by Sherry Arnstein in 1969, is one of the most widely referenced and influential
models in the field of democratic public participation.
a) Give the name of Arnstein's participation model and list the eight rungs of her
Dare we jump off Arnstein's ladder? Using Arnstein's model of participation
describe the level of participation reached in any one of the EIAs reviewed in this
Total Marks: 100