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Dr R. Nekongo
Dr E. lthindi
MODERATOR: Mr. C. Gwasira
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.

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Read the following passage and answer all the questions that follow.
1. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a human rights issue of endemic proportions in Namibia. One
out of three women has experienced, or will experience, GBV in their lifetime. Furthermore,
it is estimated that one out of five women is in an abusive relationship.The two most common
forms of GBV in Namibia are domestic violence and rape, both of which disproportionately
affect Namibian women more than men (over 90 %).
2. Although women are the majority of victims, it is important to remember other vulnerable
groups. In particular, members of the LGBTI(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and
intersex) community are subject to high levels of GBV in Namibia. Furthermore, 1 out of ten
victims of GBV is a man. Sister Namibia envisions a society based on equality in
which all people are able to enjoy a life free from discrimination and violence. GBV, no matter
who the victim is, is a crime against human rights.
According to the National Gender Policy (2010-2020) from the Ministry of Gender Equality and
Child Welfare (MGECW), GBV "refers to allforms of violence that happen to women, girls men
and boys because of the unequal power relations between them". With this definition it
follows that there is a wide range of violence that qualifies as GBV. Forms of GBV include (but
is not exclusive to): Domestic violence, Rape, Sexual abuse and violence, Sexual harassment,
Some forms of trafficking, Forced prostitution, Early and forced marriages, Intimidation,
Verbal abuse, Economic violence, Physical violence and Psychological violence. The most
common forms of GBV in Namibia are domestic violence and rape, followed by sexual
harassment and forced marriages.
Understanding the causes of intimate partner violence is a complex process since this type of
violence is a product of its social context. Although GBV occurs in all socioeconomic groups,
different researches concluded that GBV is more frequent and severe in lower groups of
society. While poverty is one of the key contributors to gender-based violence, other factors
such as the status of women, gender norms and alcohol consumption also contribute to the
large-scale occurrence of violence.
5. An influential theory explains that the relation between gender-based violence and poverty
is mediated through stress. Since poverty is inherently stressful, it has been argued that
poorer households have fewer resources to reduce stress compared to households in the
upper class. A study in South Africa supports this theory. Women are protected from GBV in
some of the poorest households, which are mainly supported by someone other than the
woman or her partner. This indicates that financial independence of women can be protective
in some settings, but not all. Households where women are the main breadwinner convey
additional risk to being subjected to GBV.
6. Alcohol consumption is another factor that is associated with an increased risk of all forms of
interpersonal violence. Alcohol has shown to impair ability to interpret social cues, reduce
inhibitions and to cloud judgment. Research on alcohol consumption suggests that
connections between drunkenness and violence are socially learnt and are not necessarily
universally applicable. Some researchers have noted that alcohol may act as a cultural "time

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out" for antisocial behavior. This implies that men are more likely to act violently when drunk·
because they do not feel they will be held accountable for their behavior.
In the statistics we learn about the number of cases relating to gender-based violence which
is reported to the police, but the statistics do not reveal the impact that this violence has on
family members, the community and even the Namibian society as a whole. GBV is not a series
of isolated events, but rather represents a pattern of behaviour that undermines the dignity,
autonomy and security of the victims, limits their participation in society and damages their
health and well-being.
According to a report written by the LACin 2012, in more than 1 out of 5 reported cases of
domestic violence the victim reported that children had been harmed or threatened by the
abuser. Children who grow up in homes where violence is present may suffer from emotional
and behavioural health issues from witnessing one of their parents being abused. Growing
up in an abusive and violent environment where violence is normalised can also create future
perpetrators and victims as the children believe that this is how adult relationships work.
GBV comes at a great cost to individuals, communities and society at large. Besides physical
and mental harm, victims of GBV might not be able to work due to injuries or other
circumstances, affecting both his or her personal economy through loss of income and
increased healthcare costs. But GBV also affects the economy of society at
large through lower productivity and reduced economic output and growth, leading to
heightened pressure on social and health services.
10. GBV is not only a serious public health concern. It hinders the social and economic
development of Namibia, and the achievement of internationally agreed development goals,
including the Millennium Development Goals.
Adapted from:
1. According to the passage, what is Gender Based Violence?
2. What status do domestic violence and rape have under GBV prevalence classifications in
3. Mention two groups that suffer the most due to GBV.
4. Apart from Domestic violence and rape, name any 3 forms of Gender based violence that were
mentioned in the passage?
5. What is the main idea expressed in paragraph 47
6. Mention 4 causes of Gender Basedviolence that are stated in the passage.
7. Explain what the following sentences mean according to the article.
Sentence: Alcohol has shown to impair ability to interpret social cues, reduce inhibitions
and to cloud judgement. (Paragraph 6)

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8. According to the passage,the term 'time out' (para 6) means:
A. free time
B. excused time
C. understandable time
D. All of the above
9. The most prevalent cause of Gender BasedViolence is:
A. Alcohol
C. Poverty
D. Domestic violence
10. How are children who grow up in a violent and abusive environment affected by violence?
11. How does GBV affect the economy of the country?
12. State whether the following statements are TRUEor FALSE.
12.1 Economic productivity could be hindered due to GBVfor both men and women.
12.2 If you kill someone while you are drunk, you will not be imprisoned because you were under the
influence of alcohol.
12.3 When a woman is a bread winner, she will not be subjected to Gender Based Violence.
Readthe following passageand answer all the questions below.
1. Eachyear during flu season, at least one in every 20 people in the U.S.will come down with
influenza or flu. Some years, that number can be as high as one in every five. For most of us, getting
the flu means several days of feeling pretty miserable. 7.1 Headaches, body aches, high fevers,
chills, fatigue, and exhaustion are all part of the disease running its course. But then, most people
recover on their own.
2. There are some people primarily young children, older adults, and people with chronic health
conditions such as asthma 2.1 who are at higher risk of seasonal flu-related complications. In the
past decade, flu-related illnesses have resulted in the hospitalization of between 140,000 and
710,000 people and the deaths of 12,000 to 56,000 people. The flu is caused by influenza virus that
are highly contagious. 7.2 Fortunately, there are ways to protect 2.2 yourself against seasonal flu,
and the primary way to prevent it is to get an annual vaccination.
3. There are actually two kinds of vaccines: One is given as a shot (an injection) and 2.3 another
one is given as a nasal spray. 7.3 The shot is deemed safe because 2.4 it contains dead influenza
viruses up to four different strains. The nasal spray is made with live viruses that have been
weakened. Neither vaccine causes flu illness (although the nasal spray can result in congestion and

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runny nose). 7.4 If the scientists predict what viruses will be there circulating for the flu season, then
they are able to choose strains of influenza virus within the vaccines for 2.5 that year. Both types of
vaccine cause the body's immune system to create antibodies that will ward off influenza virus if it
invades your body.
1. Study the sentence below, taken from Paragraph 2, and identify the part of speech of each
underlined word as per its function in the sentence.
Sentence: There 1.1 are some people 1.2 primarily young children, older adults, and people 1.3
with chronic health 1.4 conditions such as asthma who are at higher risk of seasonal 1.5 flu-related
1.1 are
1.2 primarily
1.3 with
1.4 conditions
1.5 flu-related
2. Analyse the following words that are underlined and written in bold in Paragraphs 2 and 3 and
specify what kind of pronouns they are.
2.1 who
2.2 yourself
2.3 another
2.4 it
2.5 that
3. What verb tense is the sentence below?
Sentence: For most of us, getting the flu means several days of feeling pretty miserable.
4. Write the sentence in question 3 above in the following tenses:
4.1 Future simple tense
4.2 Past simple tense
4.3 Future perfect tense
5. Write the sentence written in bold in Paragraph 3 in the following forms:
(Sentence: The nasal spray is made with live viruses that have been weakened.)
5.1 Question form
5.2 Negative form

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6. Subject Verb Agreement
First, identify and write down the subject and the verb in the following sentences.
Then, indicate whether the subject and the verb in the following sentences agree or disagree.
6.1 The influenza virus are highly contagious.
Agree or Disagree
6.2 The nasal spray are made with live viruses that have been weakened.
Agree or Disagree
7. Sentence structure
You were taught 4 different types of sentence stucture. Write down the type of sentence structure
of underlined sentences numbered 1-4 in the passage above, e.g. complex sentence, simple
sentence, etc.
7.1 (Headaches, body aches, high fevers, chills, fatigue, and exhaustion are all part of the
disease running its course.)
7.2 (Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself against seasonal flu, and the primary way
to prevent it is to get an annual vaccination.)
7.3 (The shot is deemed safe because it contains dead influenza viruses up to four different
7.4 ilfthe scientists predict what viruses will be there circulating for the flu season, then they
are able to choose strains of influenza virus within the vaccines for that year.)

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Based on the structure of an academic essay that you were taught in this course, analyse the essay
below and then answer the questions that follow.
EnjoyingYour CampingTrip
1 Each year, thousands of people globally choose to spend their vacations camping in the great
outdoors.!! Depending on an individual's sense of adventure, there are various types of camping to
choose from, including log cabin camping, recreational vehicle camping, and tent camping.~ Of these,
tent camping involves "roughing it" the most, and with proper planning the experience can be
gratifying. Q Even with the best planning, however, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating
experience due to uncontrolled factors such as bad weather, wildlife encounters, and equipment
2. Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day. Eventhe most
adventurous campers can lose some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the skies are
dreary and damp. After reaching their destination, campers must then "set up camp" in the downpour.
Furthermore, if the sleeping bags happen to get wet, the cold also becomes a major factor. A sleeping
bag usually provides warmth on a camping trip, a wet sleeping bag provides none. Combining wind
with rain can also cause frigid temperatures, causing any outside activities to be delayed. Even inside
the tent problems may arise due to heavy winds. More than a few campers have had their tents blown
down because of the wind. Which once again begins the frustrating task of "setting up camp" in the
downpour. It is wise to check the weather forecast before embarking on camping trips.
3. Another problem likely to be faced during a camping trip is run-ins with wildlife, which can range
from mildly annoying to dangerous. Minor inconveniences include mosquitoes and ants. The
swarming of mosquitoes can literally drive annoyed campers indoors. If an effective repellant is not
used, the camper can spend an interminable night scratching, which will only worsen the itch.
Although these insects cause minor discomfort, some wildlife encounters are potentially dangerous.
There are many poisonous snakes in the jungle. When hiking in the woods, campers must be careful
where they step. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can prove to be
fatal. Run-ins can range from unpleasant to dangerous, but the camper must realize that they are
sometimes inevitable.
4. Perhaps the least serious camping troubles are equipment failures. These troubles often plague
families camping for the first time. They arrive at the campsite at night and haphazardly set up their
nine-person tent. They then settle down for a peaceful night's rest. Sometime during the night the
family is awakened by a huge crash the tent has fallen down. Also, a tent is only waterproof if the
sides are not touched. If a family member's sleeping bag has been touching the sides of the tent, the
sleeping bags and clothing are all drenched. Totally disillusioned with the "vacation," the frustrated
family packs up immediately and drives home. Quality sleeping bags are sold in many shops.
Equipment failures may not seem very serious, but they can end any remaining hope for a peaceful
5. A These types of camping troubles can strike campers almost anywhere. !! Until some brilliant
scientist invents a weather machine to control bad weather or a kind of wildlife repellant, unlucky

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campers will continue to shake their fists in frustration, especially that equipment will continue to
malfunction.~ Even so, camping continues to be a favorite pastime of people across the globe.
Adapted from:
1. Which of the sentences numbered A to D in Paragraph 1 is the thesis statement of this essay? (2)
2. Fill in the following statement by choosing the correct answer from the options given below.
The strategy that is used to introduce the topic under discussion in this essay is........................ (1)
using an anecdote
moving from general to specific
using a famous quote
none of these strategies .
3. Identify and write down an irrelevant sentence in Paragraph 4
4. Identify any transitional word or phrase that is used to link ideas between paragraphs.
5. Identify three transitional words that are used to connect ideas within Paragraph 4
6. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
6.1 The first sentence that is underlined in Paragraph 2 is
the first supporting sentence.
a topic sentence.
development of the first supporting sentence.
the second supporting sentence.
6.2 The second sentence that is underlined in Paragraph 2 is
the first supporting sentence.
a topic sentence.
the second supporting sentence.
development of the first supporting sentence.
7. Analyse Paragraph 4 carefully and illustrate how it is structured by listing its three main
8. Choose any two supporting ideas presented in Paragraph 2.
When an effective repellant is not used
Potentially dangerous wildlife encounters

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Mosquitoes and ants as minor inconveniences
An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake
9. What is the function of the sentence "Equipment failures may not seem very serious, but they can
end any remaining hope for a peaceful vacation" in Paragraph 4?
10. Identify and write down the following sentence errors in Paragraph 2:
10.1 A sentence fragment
10.2 A comma splice.
11. Rewrite and grammatically correct the sentence identified in question 10.2 above.
12. What type of a sentence error is the sentence underlined in Paragraph 4? Explain how it can
be corrected.
13. The sentence below was taken from Paragraph 3. Rewrite it to indicate clearly the topic and the
controlling idea.
Sentence: Perhaps the least serious camping troubles are equipment failures.
13.1 Topic
13.2 Controlling idea
14. Identify a sentence in Paragraph 5 that best summarises the ideas presented in the essay above.
The sentences are numbered A- C; thus, write only the letter of the correct answer.
15. Among the three types of essays that were taught in this course, what type is the essay above?
Imagine you are writing a complete essay.Choose any one of the prompts hereunder and write a body
paragraph of about 100-150 words. Pay attention to structure, coherence, punctuation, and language.
Begin the paragraph with a clear and suitable topic sentence. NB: You are not asked to write a
complete essay.
1. It is easier to observe mistakes that parents make from a distance. Describe a mistake that
you will never make as a parent.
2. Students have secrets they would rather not share with their parents. What secret do you not
want your parents to know about your university life?
3. There are four English language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Which
language skill do you consider to be more challenging as a university student and why?
4. The most interesting novel I have ever read. Explain why you consider that novel to be the
most interesting.
5. My number one priority the day I will earn a salary. Explain.