(11 MARKS)
Assess the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write only the
number of the question and next to it indicate your answer as true or false in the ANSWER
BOOK. {Each question carries 1 mark}
1.1 The food service industry is small and is responsible for any food or beverage
preparation outside the home.
1.2 Materials used in food service units must resist deterioration from rapid temperature
and humidity changes and corrosive cooking fumes.
1.3 A single-use menu is the same menu that is used every day.
1.4 A soft diet aims to provide a diet that requires no chewing and can be swallowed with
little effort.
1.5 Assembly food service systems require on-site kitchens as most of the cooking is done
1.6 Before food can be purchased, the quality of foods most appropriate to the food service
operation and their use on the menu must be decided.
1.7 A servant leader is motivated by a natural desire to serve, not to lead and puts others
before himself.
1.8 The primary objective of commercial catering services is to make a profit.
1.9 Full cream milk can be included in the menu of a clear fluid diet.
1.10 For an organization to effectively achieve its mission, it needs to develop specific targets
or objectives (SMART- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound).
1.11 Commercial catering services are restricted to a limited number of individuals.