(40 MARKS)
[10 MARKS]
Evaluate the statements in each numbered section and determine whether the
statement is true or false. Next to the question number, fill in the appropriate
answer, using Tfor True, and a Ffor false for of the statement/phrase.
1.1 Vitamin D supplements should be given to pregnant women.
1.2 Breast development begins at birth.
1.3 Bilirubinemia can be reduced by encouraging early and frequent breastfeeding.
1.4 By 6 months, infants' birthweight must increase twice and thrice by 12 months.
1.5 Adequate carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for breastfeeding mothers consists of
55%, 35% and 15% respectively.
1.6 Nipple Shields can improve milk transfer and breast-feeding duration.
1.7 Fat and oils are made up of various type of triglycerides, which consists of three fatty
acid and glycerol.
1.8 Prebiotics are fibre like, indigestible carbohydrates that are broken down by bacteria
in colon.
1.9 Population-wide improvements in infectious disease control and availability of safe
and nutritious foods have corresponded to increased infant mortality than have
technological advances in medical care.
10. Naegele's rule for estimated delivery date= First day of the last menstrual period + 14
days minus 3 months plus one year.
[30 MARKS]
Evaluate the statements in each numbered section and select the most appropriate
answer or phrase from the given possibilities. Next to the question number, fill in the
appropriate letter of the correct statement/phrase
2.1 A good supply of this is needed along with phosphorus, magnesium, and Vitamin D for
fetal development of bones and teeth, as well as the mother's own body needs. Also
aids in the clotting of blood:
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Iodine
D. Folate
2. 2 The doctor tells Esther that her baby weighs less than 2500 g and needs special care.
What do you think the doctor's diagnosis on the baby's weight would be:
A. Extremely Low Birth Weight
B. Very Low Birth Weight
C. Low Birth Weight
D. Preterm