Question 1
a) Representative sample of galena ore is required for metallurgical testing at
laboratory. The assay for the galena ore is 15% at a confidence level of ±0.1%
Pb at 2o standard deviation. The galena is liberated at a size of 75 µm. Assuming
the top size of the ore from the sampler is 1.5 cm and the estimated lower size
is 0.2 cm. Estimate the minimum mass required for the test work. The density
of galena and quartz as 7.6 g/ cm3 and 2.65 cm3 respectively. (Assume shapefactor
(fJof 0.5 except for gold ores where the factor is 0.2; for size distribution factor (g), if
d95/d5>4, g=0.25; d95/d5 is between 2 and 4, g = 0.5; d95/d5<2, g=0.75; d95/d5=1,
g=l; molar mass of Pb and Sare 207.2 g/mol and 32.07 g/mol respectively) (8 marks)
b) An ore deposit after mineralogical analysis was found to contain minerals A
and B. The specific gravity of minerals A and B respectively are 3.3 g/ cm 3 and
1.9 g/ cm 3. A company consulted you and wish to know whether or not mineral
A (mineral of interest) could be separated from mineral B (gangue) using
gravity concentrator. What will be your recommendation and why? (Take the
specific gravity of the fluid medium as 1.3 g/ cm3)
(2 marks)
c) Despite improvement on safe design for tailing dams, there has been reported
failure almost every year for the past 30 years. Discuss 3 possible causes for the
failures of the tailings dam.
(6 marks)
Question 2
a) A flotation plant has been optimised to selectively float lead and zinc from an
ore comprising of galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and
pyrite (FeS2).After froth flotation, the concentrate was found to contain Zn, Pb,
Cu and Fe content of 48.6%, 57.6% 1.6% and 26.5% respectively. Estimate the
percentage of galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite in the concentrate.
(Molar mass of Zn, Pb, Cu, Fe and Sare 65.38 g/mol, 207.2 g/mol, 63.55 g/mol,
55.85 g/mol and 32.07 g/mol respectively)
(8 1narks)
b) A single cell in a given bank of flotation cell gives copper recovery of 45% for a
residence time of 5 minutes. What is the number of similar sized cells in a
continuous flotation bank required to achieve a total recovery of 95%?
(5 marks)