{11 MARKS)
Assess the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write only the
number of the question and next to it indicate your answer as true or false in the ANSWER
BOOK. {Each question carries 1 mark)
2.1 Nutrition anthropologists tend to explore the relationship between nutrition and socio-
cultural processes.
2.2 Ova-vegetarian consumes dairy products but not eggs.
2.3 Secondary foods can be considered as ones widely consumed and on a daily basis.
2.4 Dietary acculturation can be referred to as the process that occurs as members of a
majority group adopts the food pattern of the host country.
2.5 Idea system is part of the ecological model of food and nutrition.
2.6 Food culture is instinctive and learned.
2.7 People personality can be associated with the nature of their food choices.
2.8 Log frame indicates causal linkages between the key parameters of the project.
2.9 Social marketing is effective amongst people that need to be convinced to adopt a
recommended behaviour.
2.10 In social marketing, formative research is done before a program is designed and
2.11 The use of scare tactics is important in social marketing campaign to persuade the target
audience to adopt a recommended behaviour.
3.1 Explain the following terms and concepts:
3.1.1 Nutrition transition
3.1.2 Food systems
3.1.3 Dietary acculturation
3.1.4 Nutrition Anthropology
3.1.5 Theory of Reasoned Action
{34 MARKS)