Question 1
1.1 Explain the following terms as applied to crystals:
(i) Lattice parameters of a unit cell (ii) Primitive cell
1.2 Sodium transform from beeto hep at about T = 23K. Assuming that the density remains fixed,
and the c/a ratio is ideal, calculate the hep lattice spacing a given that the cubic lattice
spacing a' = 4.23 A in the cubic phase.
1. 3 Draw sketches illustrating a (100) plane, a (110) plane, and a (111) plane in a cubic unit cell.
How many equivalent {100} planes are there in a cubic crystal?
Question 2
2.1 Between covalent bonded materials and metallic bonded materials which are generally less
dense and why?
2.2 What is hydrogen bond? How it different from a dipole bond? Describe the role of hydrogen
during formation of ice
2.3 Magnesium Oxide (Mg2+O2-Jand Sodium Chloride (Na+ci-)have the same form of interatomic
potential. The only difference is that z=2 for Magnesium Oxide and z=l for Sodium Chloride.
Find the ratio of their equilibrium separations.
Question 3
3. 1 What do you mean by elastic wave in solids?
3.2 Sketch schematically the dispersion relations of lattice vibrations for (a) a mono atomic linear
chain and (b) a diatomic linear chain. Indicate in the figures how one can determine the velocity of
sound by a geometrical construct.
3.3 What is Einstein temperature and frequency? Explain Einstein theory of specific heat?
Question 4
4.1 Find the drift velocity of the free electrons in a copper wire whose cross-sectional area (A) is
1 x10-5 m-2 when the wire carries a current of 1.0 Amperes. Assume that each copper atom
contributes one electron to the electron gas (Given: electron density in copper= 8.5 x 1028
electrons m-3)
4.2 What is the Lorentz number and explain it using the Wiedemann-Franz law?
4.3 Explain free electron theory of metals and mention its advantages and drawbacks.