4.1 Mario Shilongo wants to start his own sole trader named Mario's Baber Shop in the
area where he resides. He has learned that you are an Administrative Management
1B student at NUST and wants to find out from you what are the five (5)
disadvantages of starting a sole trader business.
4.2 The world is constantly changing. Businesses are always coming up with new ways of
conducting business opportunities with customers. Distinguish between the primary,
secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy and provide suitable examples. (6)
4.3 Discuss five (5) advantages of a mixed economic system.
4.4 Examine an "Entrepreneur" in detail and provide a suitable example.
Your manager, Dr Namabanda, is planning to go on a trip abroad and you, as his Personal
Assistant must see to it that all the necessary arrangements are done well in advance.
5.1 Distinguish between three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of air travel.
5.2 Discuss any five (5) of your responsibilities as his Personal Assistant, before Dr
Namabanda will embark on his journey abroad.
5.3 Management Assistants needs to be familiar with the terminology used when
organising and planning a business trip for your manager. Examine the terms
"itinerary" and a "travel agent".
5.4 Discuss three (3) techniques that Dr Namabanda may use to reduce jet lag.