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n Am I BI A u n IVER s I TY
Dr E. lthindi
Dr. R. Nekongo
Ms C. Sibalatani
Mr. C Gwasira
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Write clearly and neatly.
3. Number the answers clearly.

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SECTION: A Reading Comprehension
[30 Marks]
Readthe text below and answer all the questions that follow.
The role of technology in the workplace, by Snehnath Neendoor
As we continue into the 21st century, it seems like there are new technological advances on
a daily basis, and those advances are beginning to embed themselves into the workplace. Technology
in the workplace is truly changing the way we work. We are no longer chained to our desks, but rather
always have a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone in hand.
There are a few cons to having technology fill a prominent role in your business, but the
advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. The primary drawbacks include dependency, the
constant need to upgrade and possible negative effects on workplace relationships, while the benefits
include, but are not limited to, changing communication, increasing efficiency and motivating
employees. Finding ways to integrate technology in the workplace and work environment is key to
keeping up with the trends that are pushing the workplace to be more and more involved and invested
in ever-changing technologies. However, there are key disadvantages and impact of technology in the
workplace, even in 2023.
As technology changes every day, naturally, there can be changes to systems and
programmes, which would require upgrades as simple as downloading the newest version. But if you
need to upgrade your system very often, it can be time-consuming as well as expensive.
Depending heavily on computer systems can become a problem if there is a technical glitch.
If the system crashes, everything freezes and the business could come to a standstill until the issue is
resolved. In addition, when new technology is brought in, there is a learning process that can lead to
a loss in productivity. And finally, if technology or computer systems are at the core of your business,
it becomes nearly impossible for employees to get anything done outside of the office.
Increasing the presence of technology changes methods of communication throughout the
workplace. Using digital technology in the workplace with phones, text messages, email or video
conferencing tools decreases the amount of face-to-face communication. Interpersonal relationships
and communications are important in order to establish a functional workplace and technology can
negatively impact those relations. Working relationships and overall company ambiance can also be
affected by technology, leading to a distracted workforce. The growing use of social networks can
affect the productivity and efficiency of employees at work.
Nevertheless, technology has also some benefits in the workplace. Although there can be a
negative impact on communication from technology, the positive results outweigh them. First and
foremost, there is a variety of virtual communication tools that exist, allowing employees to
communicate in a number of ways. These tools can increase efficiency as they permit interactions not
only in the same office but also from one location to the other. Furthermore, there are other tools
that allow screens to be shared or that facilitate the sharing of files and information with ease and

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security. These tools not only increase the efficiency of communication among employees, but they
can also help with communication with customers.
Encouraging innovation and creativity through access to different business technology tools
is a useful strategy to increase productivity and efficiency. Having the newest technology available can
enable employees to produce better work. It can encourage healthy competition in the workplace and
make your company gain an edge over competing companies. Technology also enhances flexibility
from a spatial point of view. If companies make their content available across different technological
platforms, employees can just bring their smartphones, laptops or tablets for more collaborative work,
which reduces time spent on tasks. Introducing technology into the workplace also allows employees
to choose their own devices, thus promoting the idea of BYOD(Bring Your Own Device).
It is clear that there is a continuous shift in the workplace, which is enhanced by the
development of cloud-based collaboration tools and the increased use of mobile devices. Based on an
article published by Insight UK, 79% of senior managers believe that the "anywhere, anytime" work
trend is inevitable and 86% of those managers believe most successful companies would be willing to
make the transformation. There is a direct tie between the continuing shift in workplace innovations
and the benefits of social collaborative work. Technologies such as cloud computing/storage, use of
tablets or smartphones, social media and mobile apps have majorly transformed the working
There is no way to avoid the increasing presence of technology in the workplace. Although
there are a handful of disadvantages to this trend, it is inevitable; so, why not embrace it and focus on
all the positives it brings? What makes a successful and productive workplace is the presence of
motivated employees who are able to efficiently and consistently produce quality work. Finding cost
effective and time efficient solutions is a must to keep employers and employees happy. Taking
advantage of technologies that have been designed to enable collaborative workplaces to thrive is a
key task in assuring a fluid work environment. Technology is always changing and is going to keep
integrating into the workforce as it continues to have a positive impacton productivity levels and on
overall workforce performance.
Adapted from
1. Mention any two gadgets that, according to the text, have changed the way we work
2. Explain in your own words what the author of the text means by "we are no longer chained
to our desks." (paragraph 1)
3. What three key disadvantages of technology at the workplace or work environment are
discussed in the text?
4. Give one specific example that is mentioned in the text with respect to upgrading of systems
or programmes constantly.
5. Mention three instances that illustrate how dependency on technology or computers per se
can be a challenge to businesses.
6. Which paragraph can best be summarised as the impact of technology on human touch? (2)

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7. Mention three ways in which virtual communication tools increase efficiency of
communication amongst colleagues and clients.
8. Quote a sentence from either paragraph 5 or paragraph 6 that proves that the author of the
text supports the use of technology at the workplace, irrespective of its drawbacks on
interpersonal communications.
9. Explain how technology facilitates productivity at the workplace within a short time frame
10. In the author's concluding remarks, what is the recipe for a conducive workplace? Mention
any two things.
11. What do the following pronouns that are written in bold in the text refer to?
11.1 which (Paragraph 3)
11.2 they (Paragraph 6)
12. Find a word in the text that has the same meaning as the following:
12.1 To set or fix firmly and deeply into something (Paragraph 1)
12.2 The state or quality of being capable and competent (Paragraph 6)
12.3 Temporary or sudden malfunction of equipment (Paragraph 4)
12.4 Unavoidable or certain to happen (Paragraph 8)
(30 Marks)
Read the text below and answer all the questions that follow.
Disadvantages of online classes
NB: This text was shortened for the purpose of this test.
While there are many advantages to online learning, it's important to also consider the
disadvantages. Some people may find that online learning isn't for them, so let's explore
some of the reasons why.
1. Staring at digital screens all day long 1.1 has a myriad of negative effects for both adults
and children.1.2 These effects include eye strain, disrupted circadian rhythm, headaches, and
neck and back pain. Learners taking 1.3 online classes need to take measures to avoid
symptoms of 1.4 too much screen time, especially if they are already working remotely, in
addition to taking 1.5 classes.
2. 1 While online classes can actually be quite social in nature, the fact is that you're still
usually completing them on your own most of the time. This can be a major disadvantage -
especially for students that already spend a lot of time by themselves at home. Students can
combat this feeling of isolation by working on their online classes in coffee shops or libraries
where there is a more lively environment. Additionally, they can sign up for classes that
have thriving online communities to connect virtually with other students.

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3. It's important to keep in mind that many people enroll in university, college, or even
community classesas a way to meet friends. Proximity to the same people is a leading
indicator that you will befriend those people - just because you see them a lot! If you're taking
classes online, you'll miss that natural proximity and connection with your peers. It will take
more effort to form real-life friendships with online peers (but it is still possible). One way to
get a similar level of social interaction in online courses is by opting for a class that has a lot
of group project work.
4. At a minimum, students need a device with an internet connection to take online classes.
Realistically, students will need a device they can also type assignments on such as a laptop
or tablet with a keyboard. It's costly to purchase these devices upfront, especially if you have
multiple children in on line classeswho each need their own devices to complete school work.
5. More often than not, in-person classes have a responsibility to provide equipment so
students can participate. This keeps class accessible for lower-income students. To
circumvent this issue with online learning environments, some school districts provide
laptops or tablets so that students can participate even if they can't afford to purchase
devices themselves. Unfortunately, this is in no way a global solution as many school districts
don't have the funds to provide devices. This problem is even more true for students with
learning disabilities who require specialized accessibility hardware.
6. 2 Online learning can certainly make focusing for long periods oftime a challenge. Students
are no longer in an environment dedicated to learning and are surrounded by distractions like
phones, delivery people, or chores like doing some laundry or walking the dog. The lack of
structure means students need to be good at their own time management. This is an added
challenge on top of learning that students don't need to think about during in-person classes.
7. 3 Students may also find they run into challenges or don't understand the material when
learning online. Hopefully, the instructor has set up a way to contact them to answer
questions, but if not, this will become frustrating for students and will likely cause them to
lose motivation for learning.
Adapted from: https:// e-stude d isadvantages-of-e-lea rn ing/
1. Identify the part of speech of each underlined word in paragraph 1.
1.1 has
1.2 these
1.3 online

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1.4 too
1.5 classes
2. Specify what kind of adverbs the bolded and italized words in paragraphs 2 and 3. (5)
2.1 especially
2.2 already
2.3 where
2.4 additionally
2.5 virtually
3. What verb tense is the sentence below?
Sentence: It will take more effort to form real-life friendships with on line peers.
4. Write the sentence in question 3 above in the following tenses:
4.1 Present perfect simple
4.2 Past perfect continuous
4.3 Future perfect continuous
5. Write the sentence written in bold in paragraph 3 in the following forms.
Sentence: It's important to keep in mind that many people enroll in university, college, or
even community classes as a way to meet friends.
5.1 Question form
5.2 Negative form
6. Subject verb agreement
First, identify and write down the subject and the verb in the following sentence.
Then, indicate whether the subject and the verb in the following sentence agree or disagree.
Sentence: At a minimum, students need a device with an internet connection to take

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online classes.
Agree or Disagree:
7. You were taught 4 different types of sentence structure. Write down the type of sentence
structure of underlined sentences numbered 1-3 in the passage above. e.g simple sentence,
compound sentence, etc.
7.1 While online classescan actually be quite social in nature, the fact is that you're still usually
completing them on your own most of the time.
7.2 Online learning can certainly make focusing for long periods of time a challenge.
7.3 Students may also find they run into challenges or don't understand the material when
learning online.
[30 Marks]
Analyse the essay below and answer all the questions that follow.
The Safest Seat on A Plane
1. When booking a flight, do you ever think about which seat will protect you the most in an
emergency? Probably not. Most people book seats for comfort, such as leg room, or convenience,
such as easy access to toilets. Frequent flyers might book their seat as close as possible to the
front so they can disembark more quickly. We rarely book a flight with hopes of getting one of the
middle seats in the last row. Well, guess what? The middle seats in the last row are statistically
the safest ones on an airplane.
2. Before we get into it, I should reiterate that air travel is the safest mode of transport. In 2019,
there were just under 70 million flights globally, with only 287 fatalities. According to the US
National Safety Council's analysis of census data, the odds of dying in a plane are about 1 in
205,552, compared with 1 in 102 in a car. Even so, we pay little attention to fatal road accidents,
but when we hear about an ATR72 crashing in Nepal it is the lead story on every news page. Our
interest in plane crashes might lie in wanting to understand why they happen, or what the odds
are of them happening again. Perhaps it is not a bad thing; our concern is to ensure that these
tragic incidents are thoroughly investigated. Which helps keep air travel safe. Frankly speaking,

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there is no real need to worry about safety when you board a commercial flight. But if you still
have got that nagging question in your head, driven by sheer curiosity, read on.
3. It is worth remembering accidents by their very nature. In the 1989 United Flight 232 crash in
Sioux City, Iowa, 184 of the 269 people on board survived the accident. Most of the survivors were
sitting behind first class, towards the front of the plane. Nonetheless, a TIME investigation that
looked at 35 years of aircraft accident data found the middle rear seats of an aircraft had the
lowest fatality rate: 28%, compared with 44% for the middle aisle seats. This logically makes sense
too. Sitting next to an exit row will always provide you with the fastest exit in the case of an
emergency, granted there's no fire on that side. The wings of a plane store fuel this disqualifies
the middle exit rows as the safest row option. At the same time, being closer to the front means
you will be impacted before those in the back, which leaves us with the last exit row. As for why
the middle seats are safer than the window or aisle seats, that is, as you might expect, because of
the buffer provided by having people on either side.
4. The type of emergency will also dictate survivability. Running into a mountain will decrease
chances of survival exponentially, as was the case in a tragic 1979 disaster in New Zealand. Air
New Zealand Flight TE901 crashed into the slopes of Mt Erebus in Antarctica, killing 257
passengers and crew. Landing in the ocean nose-first also decreases chances of survival. As
witnessed with the 2009 Air France Flight 447, in which 228 passengers and crew perished. Pilots
are trained to minimise potential risk in an emergency event as best as they can. They will try to
avoid hitting mountains and look for a level place, such as an open field, to land as normally as
possible. The technique for landing in water requires assessing the surface conditions and
attempting to land between waves at a normal landing angle. Aircraft are designed to be very
robust in emergency situations. In fact, the main reason the cabin crew remind us to keep our seat
belts fastened is not because of crash risk, but because of "clear air turbulence" that can be
experienced at any time at high altitudes. It is this weather phenomenon that can cause the most
damage to passengers and aircraft. Manufacturers are designing new planes with more
composite materials capable of handling in-flight stress. In these designs, the wings are not rigid
and can flex to absorb extreme loading to prevent structural failure.
5. Granted, there are certain variables, such as impact from airspeed, that can vary slightly between
different airplane types. However, the physics of flight is more or less the same in all planes.
Generally, larger planes will have more structural material and therefore more strength to
withstand pressurisation at altitude. This means they may provide some additional protection in
an emergency, this, again, is highly dependent on the severity of the emergency. On the other
hand, buses are safer driven on tarred roads than off-road. That is not to say you should book your
next flight on the largest plane you can find. As I have mentioned, air travel remains very safe. So,
I would suggest thinking about what movie you will watch instead, and hoping they don't run out
of chicken and only have the shrimp left!
Adapted from:

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1. What is the main idea stated in the thesis statement of this essay?
2. Identify and write down:
2.1 An irrelevant sentence in Paragraph 5
2.2 A sentence fragment in Paragraph 2
3. Write down two supporting ideas that strongly supports the controlling idea of the topic sentence
of Paragraph 2.
4. Indicate whether the following statement is True or False:
4.1 The main idea expressed in paragraph 2 is that, just like any other form of transport, air travel is
absolutely not safe.
5. Identify three transitional words or phrases used to connect ideas in Paragraph 4.
6. What conclusion does the author give in paragraph 2?
7. Carefully study the topic sentence below taken from Paragraph 4. Then, indicate the topic and the
controlling idea.
The type of emergency will also dictate survivability.
7.1 Topic:
7.2 Controlling idea:
8. Choose the most suitable answer from the options given below.
8.1 The error of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 is:
Run-on sentence
Irrelevant sentence
Comma splice
Sentence fragment
8.2 Rewrite this sentence (underlined in Paragraph 3) correcting the error.
8.3 What sentence error is hidden Paragraph 4:
Run-on sentence
Irrelevant sentence
Comma splice
Sentence fragment

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8.4 Write down the sentence error that you have identified in 8.3 as written in the paragraph. (1)
9. Identify and write down the sentence error in Paragraph 5.
9.1 Indicate what type of an error it is.
9.2 Rewrite and correct the sentence identified in Question 9.
[20/2 Marks]
Choose any one of the prompts hereunder and write a body paragraph of about 100-150 words. Pay
attention to structure, coherence, punctuation, and language use. Begin the paragraph with a clear
and suitable topic sentence.
1. Tertiary education has become very expensive in Namibia. What are your views with
regards to how education can be made accessible and affordable for all?
2. The world has advanced tremendously in terms of technology. What are your thoughts
regarding electric cars.
3. In Namibia today, there is a high rate of unemployment amongst young people. Do you think
the retirement years should be lowered to accommodate young people?
4. Online education has become a new way of learning and teaching. Describe ways in which
on line learning is more beneficial as compared to the traditional way of learning and
5. Namibia has so many holiday destinations. Imagine that you are tour guide; what holiday
destinations would you suggest to a tourist, and why?