2.2 Imagine, you are hired as a consultant microbiologist to solve a dispute that has arisen
between the local resident of a town X and the town authorities. The resident is claiming
that the authorities are supplying untreated raw water to the community and
consequently which has led to outbreak of diarrhoea in the community. Furthermore,
they are claiming the water is contaminated with many germs that cause diseases.
Briefly describe the advice you would give to the municipal authorities and the
community to ascertain that water if free from pathogens.
Answer only three questions from this section. Each question carries 20 marks
3.1 Outline the main characteristics to be considered when selecting an organism for
industrial use.
3.2 Briefly define the term coliforms and discuss their role in the diagnostics of waste water
3.3 Discuss how protoplast fusion has been used to manipulate microorganisms genetically
for industrial use.
4.1 The basic reproductive number, (Ro), defines the mean number of individuals directly
infected by an infectious case through the total infectious period, when introduced to a
susceptible population, is given by the equation
• Ro=p. c. d
Define the terms p, c, d and how they can be used to combat infections such sexually
transmitted diseases (STI).
4.2 Briefly evaluate the implication of Ro as used in epidemiology.
4.3 Discuss five factors leading to the emerging of infectious diseases in the
2!51 century.
Advanced Microbiology (AMB 821S}
1st opportunity November 2023