Integrated Environmental Management
Question 1
What do you understand by the term Global Change?
Planetary-scale changes in the earth system, natural cycles and processes and includes large-scale
changes in human society. VV
Why do you, a future Regional and Rural Development Planner, have to study and be able to
apply the Namibian Environmental Management Act and its Regulations?
Must indicate understanding that economy should not be the only consideration when — embarking
on some development activity. The role of government (legislation & institutional support) in
safeguarding the environment and ensuring sustainable developmentv. Mention principles of good
environmental practicev. The legal requirement for EIAs for listed activities, and the Regulations contain
the (current) listed activitiesvV. Mention roles of MET and Environmental Commissioner, Sustainable
Development Advisory Committee, etc.) Vv.
Question 2
Compare the approaches and levels of decision-making between a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
done for a proposed national policy to promote diamond mining in the southern Namibia, and an
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) done for the construction of a tarred road leading to one of the (8)
diamond mines in the southern Namibia.
Strategic Environmental Assessment:
o Aformal process of systematic analysis of the environmental effects of the development legislation,
policies, plans, programmes, and other proposed strategic actions (holistic view & assesses
cumulative impacts). V
SEA is part of a tiered approach to environmental assessment and management and operates at a
higher, broader, strategic level. v
It is pro-active / is done early in the decision-making process, broad and meant to advise
strategically on formulation of legislation, policies and programmes when major alternative
scenarios are still open. V
SEA is determined by the concept of sustainability and includes the concepts of precaution and
continuous (incremental) improvement. Vv
It identifies the opportunities and constraints which the environment places on the development
of plans and programmes; V
It sets the criteria for levels of environmental quality or limits of acceptable changes;
It gives early warning of potential cumulative effects; v
It is a flexible process which is adaptable to the planning and sectoral development cycle; Vv
The scope of an SEA is defined within the wider context of environmental processes; V
(any 4 answers above, or similar arguments)
Environmental Impact Assessment:
o An EIA is done in reaction to a development proposal; Vv
o It is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impacts that a proposed project may have
on the natural, socio-economic environment. V
0 Itisa process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other
Second/Supplementary Opportunity Memorandum
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January 2020