a. Explain the following concepts related to environmental standards:
i. Ambient standard
ii. Performance-based standard
iii. Technology-based standard
b. Suppose the City of Windhoek is attempting to set a water quality standard, where
water quality is measured in percent of heavy metals abated (A), and the marginal
social benefit (MSB) and marginal social cost (MSC) of abatement have been estimated
as follows:
MSB = 40 - 0.lA
MSC= 36 + 0.25A
The Department of Environment Affairs sets the standard at 20 percent. Is this
standard set efficiently, too stringently, or too leniently? Explain your answer.
c. Suppose there are two power plants that are releasing sulphur dioxide into the air that
exceeds the emission standard. To meet the standard, 100 units of sulphur dioxide
must be abated in total. The two plants face the following abatement costs:
MAC 1 = 600 + 0.1A 1
MAC 2 = 600 + 0.9A2
Where costs are measured in thousands of Namibian dollars.
i. Prove that a uniform standard will not meet the cost-effectiveness criterion.
Explain your answer.
ii. Determine how the abatement levels should be reallocated across the two
plants to minimize costs.
First Opportunity Examination
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November 2022