Question 1
Vision 2030 (National Planning Commission, 2004) recognises the importance of professional
teachers and well qualified teaching staff for all levels. Briefly define professional development
and describe how it can be implemented in Technical Vocational Education and Training. (10)
Question 2 (15)
Analysing your Continuous Professional Development Plan (CPDP) is an important part of the
professional development process. Use the model below to explain the reasons for analysing.
Question 3 (30)
Different professional bodies play key roles in Professional Development.
3.1 Outline and describe three individual benefits of professional development. (15)
3.2 Outline and describe three institutional benefits of professional development. (15)
Question 4 (20)
Professional development is believed to have the capacity to respond to future changes. Briefly
describe how the changes below will require professional development as a mitigating measure.
4.1 Policy change (5)
4.2 Teaching and learning trend changes (5)
4.3 Curriculum change (5)
4.4 Technology change (5)