1. Professional development implementation process experience different barriers. Indicate
whether the following terms are barriers by indicating true or false. (30)
a. Code of Practice
b. Too expensive
c. Lack of support
d. Peer observation
e. Lack of prerequisite
f. Collaborative research
g. Imposed programme.
h. Programme based on standards, not needs.
i. Annual event type of programme
j. Previous negative experience
k. Professional standards
I. Lack of motivation
m. Participation in a network
n. Engaging in informal dialogue
o. Reading professional literature
2. Professional development implementation process experience different challenges and
barriers, describe using examples five professional development barriers. (20)
3. Professional development and practices have benefits. Describe four benefits on each of the
levels presented below. (30)
a. Individual benefits
b. Institutional benefits
c. Country benefit
4. Professional development is applied in different professions, including education. Outline and
describe five TVETTrainer professional development benefits (20)