SECTION B (answer all questions)
{65 marks)
Read the following case study and answer all the questions that follows.
Career Mobility, Maturity, Employability and Resilience: A Case of Diina
"My initial career goal was to become a financial advisor in Windhoek. When I was in Grade
10 my class teacher advised me to drop Mathematics. His argument was that it would be very
difficult for an African, let alone an African woman, to ever secure a position as a financial
advisor. Now when I look back, I realise that agreeing to that type of mentality was the worst
mistake of my career. In the same year, my father ordered me out of school because he
believed educating the girl child was a waste of money. He claimed that I would get married
one day and make someone else very rich with my education."
"I was 16 years old when I started living with my worst nightmare. I went to work as a
domestic worker for a white family here in Windhoek. My peers were in Grade 10 and the
embarrassment of working as a domestic worker nearly killed me. I worked long tedious hours
from 7 am to 5 pm as a domestic worker for nearly two years when my aunt Lenyatso
organised a job for me at a suburban primary school where I also worked as a domestic
worker. I cannot say how good the salary was because father demanded it all. He preferred it
handed over to him in a sealed envelope and never gave me even a single cent. On my 17th
birthday, I started secretly buying and selling vegetables during my spare time because I
needed to earn money for myself and use it to develop myself education-wise."
"I used the money that I earned from my project to register for Grade 10 through
correspondence. Performing hard manual labour from eight in the morning to five in the
afternoon was not pleasant but extremely strenuous. At that time, however, I was too angry
and emotional not to feel anything. Through hard work, it took me three years to acquire the
famous Grade 12 certificate. During the time I was studying, my stepmother could not allow
me the house electricity, and so I did my studies and reading using the moonlight, and if there
was no moonlight, there were no studies for me. Therefore, my eyesight was affected and
today I wear spectacles."
"After obtaining my Grade 12 certificate, I applied at a nursing school. It was not because I
loved nursing but because I wanted to escape from home. I was surprised when my