planning a sample preparation procedure
(a} Physical state(s} of sample
(b} Analytes
(c} Detection limit
2.4 Provide the different ways that are used for drying laboratory equipment.
2.5 The vessels that are used for microwave digestion/extraction are made in Teflon®
(or fluoropolymer} and fused silica. What is (are} the reason(s} behind the choice of
these materials?
2.6 Briefly discuss the key factors affecting the solid phase extraction (SPE}process.
Question 3
3.1 One method for the analysis of Fe3+,which can be used with a variety of sample
matrices, is to form the highly coloured Fe3+-thioglycolic acid complex. The
complex absorbs strongly at 535 nm. Standardizing the method is accomplished
using external standards. A 10.0 ppm Fe3+working standard is prepared by
transferring a 10-ml aliquot of a 100.0 ppm stock solution of Fe3+to a 100-ml
volumetric flask and diluting to volume. Calibration standards of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
and 5.0 ppm are prepared by transferring appropriate amounts of the 10.0 ppm
working solution into separate 50-ml volumetric flasks, each containing 5 ml of
thioglycolic acid, 2 ml of 20% w/v ammonium citrate, and 5 ml of 0.22 M NH3.
After diluting to volume and mixing, the absorbances of the external standards
are measured against an appropriate blank. Samples are prepared for analysis by
taking a portion known to contain approximately 0.1 g of Fe3+, dissolving in a
minimum amount of HN03 and diluting to volume in a 1-l volumetric flask.
A 1.00-ml aliquot ofthis solution is transferred to a 50-ml volumetric flask, along
with 5 ml of thioglycolic acid, 2 ml of 20% w/v ammonium citrate, and 5 ml of
0.22 M NH3 and diluted to volume. The absorbance of this solution is used to
determine the concentration of Fe3+in the sample.
(a} Define a procedural blank.
(b} What is an appropriate blank for the procedure described above?
(c} Show that the standards calibration range used in the above procedure is suitable
for the analysed samples.
3.2 (a} Define an internal standard.
(b} What is the basic principle of internal standardisation?