Question 1
1.1. Draw a neoclassical production map showing total, average and marginal
(5 Marks)
1.2. Using the map in question 1.1 above, explain the relationship between, the Total
Phyisical Product (TPP),Average Physical product (APP)and Marginal Physical Product.
(6 Marks)
1.3. Explain the term "Economic region of production"
(1 Marks)
1.4. Explain why neoclassical production surface is a sigmoid curve and not an infinite
increasing productivity function
(2 Marks)
1.5. Give reasons to explain why we undertake the following assumptions in production
1.5.1. Output homogeneity
(2 Marks)
1.5.2. Mono-periodic production
(2 Marks)
1.5.3. Profit maximization
(2 Marks)
Question 2
2.1. Define the following
2.1.1. Partial elasticity of production
2.1.2. Function coefficient of production
(1 Mark)
(1 Mark)
2.2. Consider the production function
y = 5x + 2x 2 - 2x3
2.2.1 Find the elasticity of production when the output level is 4 units.
(8 Marks)
2.2.2. Find the elasticity of production at input level 6 for the given function
y=x 2 --x1 3
(8 Marks)
2.2.3. What can you say about the elasticity of production for the production function in
questions 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 above?
(2 Marks)
Question 3
3.1. For the two-input production function