SECTIONB {60Marks]
Thissection contains FOUR questions
Attempt any THREEquestions.
Q3 a)
Given a bandwidth of 15 MHz and a frequency reuse factor of one (01) and
Radio Frequency (RF)channel size of 1.25 MHz and 38 calls per RFchannel,
(a) The number of RFchannels for CDMA.
(b) The number of permissible calls per cell (CDMA).
b) Consider GSM, which is a TDMA/FDD system that uses 25MHz of
bandwidth for the uplink and 25MHz of bandwidth for the downlink. This
25MHz bandwidth is divided into 125 TOMA channels. EachTOMA channel
consists of 8 user timeslots, and if no guard band is assumed.
Find the total
(a) number of simultaneous users that can be supported in the GSM [SJ
system and
(b) the channel bandwidth of each user.
Q4 a)
If GSM uses a frame structure where each frame consists of eight {08) time
slots, and each time slot contains 156.25 bits, and data are transmitted at
270.833 kbps in the channel, find
(a) the time duration of a bit,
(b) the time duration of a slot,
(c) the time duration of a frame,
(d) how long must a user occupying a single time slot wait between 131
two successive transmissions?
b) What is frequency Reuse? How is it used in the GSM Cellular network?