Land Tenure Systems
Question 1
For each of the following statements indicate whether it is 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. Each correct answer
carries 2 marks.
a) Complimentary interests in land exist when different parties share the same interests in the
same parcel of land, e.g., common rights to grazing.
b) Land tenure exists within a regime of legal, institutional and procedural systems.
c) Overriding interests in land is when a sovereign power {state or community) has powers to
allocate, cancel and reallocate.
d) The exercise of land rights and ownership has no implications in the way in which we
develop urban and rural areas.
e) The environmental concept of land considers land as a place requiring management to
preserve its capacity to sustain life, carrying restrictions and responsibilities.
f) Competing interests occur when different parties contest the same interests in the same
parcel of land - source of land disputes.
g) Overlapping interests in land is when several parties are allocated different rights to the
same parcel of land, e.g., conservancies in communal areas, family members.
h) The right to exclude others from a parcel of land constitutes a land right.
i) Land tenure is the relationship people share with land and its associated natural resources.
j) In a customary regime of land tenure, ownership is vested in international corporations and
foreign governments.
k) In a leasehold, ownership of land is in perpetuity.
I) Usufruct rights are the rights to use land for cultivation, grazing and residential purposes.
m) Control rights are the right to make decisions on how the land should be used, and what
crops to plant etc.
n) Transferable rights entail right to sell, mortgage or convey land to others through inter-
community allocations, inheritance and reallocation of control rights.
o) Different people may hold one or several land rights simultaneously.
First Opportunity Examination Paper
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November 2022