1. To establish TVET quality standards one would need to evaluate some of the items
listed below; Indicate whether you agree or not by indicating YESor No on each item.
(20 marks)
a. Leadership, (2 marks)
b. Management, (2 marks)
C. Physical environment, (2 marks)
d. Human resources, (2 marks)
e. Curriculum, (2 marks)
f. Student participation (2 marks)
g. Teacher training System (2 marks)
h. Policy (2 marks)
i. Training institutions (2 marks)
j. Industry (2 marks)
2. Quality Management Standards are a set of standardized requirements and
guidelines that help organizations ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder
needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service.
Described how the following TVET quality standards are useful to TVET sector?
(20 marks)
a. Governance:
(4 marks)
b. Human Resource:
(4 marks)
c. Student participation. (4 marks)
d. Curriculum.
(4 marks)
e. Management:
(4 marks)
3. The principles of a Quality Management System (QMS) form the foundational
guidelines for an organization's approach to ensuring their products, services, and
processes meet consistent quality standards: Describe any four QMS principles
(20 marks)
4. Implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) involves systematic and
comprehensive steps to meet the standards such as ISO 9001. Describe how the
following steps can be used in TVET training institution. Describe four steps.
(20 marks)
5. Quality Assurance (QA) cycles involve systematic processes aimed at ensuring that
products or services meet specified quality standards before they reach the
customer. Describe how the following Quality assurance cycle attributes are
implemented in tvet?
(20 marks)
a. Planning:
(5 marks)
b. Implementation:
(5 marks)
c. Evaluation:
(5 marks)
d. Improvement:
(5 marks)