1.1 You have been invited to give a presentation on the value of the Kuiseb River as a
linear oasis and the importance of groundwater in maintaining it, to a group of Grade
6 learners from De Duine School, visiting the Gobabeb Namib Research Institute.
Based on what you know and experienced on your excursion to the lower Kuiseb
River Basin, prepare a suitable, 8 slide presentation to show the ecological value of
this ephemeral river to both wildlife and people who live alongside it. Clearly link your
presentation to this year's theme for World Water Day and the environmental
impacts that "mining" the aquifers can have, conclude with how they can motivate
that their school, like the gardens in Walvis Bay, can make use of an unconventional
water source to reduce this impact.
Ensure that your presentation is well-illustrated and has a clear message for action.
1.2 Based your excursion to the coast, prepare a short article (less than 250 words) for
"The Namib Times" about what you learnt on your excursion regarding challenges of
water supply to the coastal towns and the uranium mines, and give what you believe
are the best solutions to these, in an area as arid as the central Namib. Provide a
caption for and describe the photograph you will use to illustrate this.
2.1 Choose either: A. The Walvis Bay Wetlands Ramsar Site.
B. The lishana section of the Cuvelai system, a potential Ramsar site.
Use the attached Ramsar Criteria to identify Wetlands of International Importance
to write an essay motivating how the site you choose meets 5 Ramsar Criteria.
(Do not simply give each criterion number, summarize each in your own words).
Based on your excursion to the coast, your discussions with Mr. Ignatius Shikongo and
visit to Omdel Water Supply Scheme with Mr. Festus Kaurimuje of NamWater:
3.1 Name and give the correct abbreviation for the two River Basin Management
Committees active in the Namib Water Region.
3.2 List 5 responsibilities of Basin Management Committees.
3.3 Discuss 5 main challenges that the present KBMCcommittee faces.
3.4 List 2 lessons you learnt about River Basin Management from the roll-play you did.
3.5 Clearly explain the difference between equal and equitable access to water resources. (2)