Question 2
a) With reference to physical and biological properties, discuss the erosional and
depositional ecological habitat types of the river system.
b) With the aid of graphic illustration and suitable examples, discuss the effects of the
introduction of raw sewage on the biology and chemistry of a river system.
Question 3
a) Critically review the environmental
biodiversity of the river system.
effects of acid mine drainage on the chemistry and
b) With reference to solid removal, mineralization of organic materials and deactivation of
pathogens, discuss the treatment of wastewater and organic sewage.
Question 4
a) As a manager in a government agency responsible for the conservation and management
of protected wetlands, briefly review the various criteria for the designation of wetlands
of international importance based on the Ramsar Convention Guidelines.
b) Critically review the environmental impacts of global warming on the physical, chemical
and biodiversity of the aquatic environment.
Question 5
a) What is remote sensing? Briefly explain the application and benefits of geographic
information systems in natural resource management.
b) What is cultural eutrophication? Discuss the effect of cultural eutrophication on the
aquatic ecosystem.