Property Development and Marketing
i) Increase in number of properties listing for sale reflects a situation in which the cost of
renting a home is low as compared to the cost of buying a home
j) NPV is used in capital budgeting and investment planning to analyse the profitability of a
projected investment or project.
k) Market areas that boast of better highway network capacity usually tend to have
competitive advantage that enhances their ability to command high rent.
I) Rental revenues can be estimated by looking at comparable properties in the market and
benchmarking existing rental rates. Leasing brokers are the best sources for this type of
m) Private sector developers may become involved in the initial land acquisition stage. To
assemble a large site from many landowners with smaller units, they can use their legal
powers of compulsory purchase to ensure the tenure to the land is secured.
n) Any time delay in the process of legal investigation for acquisition of site could potentially
delay commencement of work on the scheme and extend the total development period for
months or even years. Potential tenants are usually insensitive to this delay.
o) When selecting a site, careful consideration should be given to soil features of a site as this
can substantially impact the cost and even what can be built.
p) Market analysis for proposed real estate development considers market area, economic
trends, supply and demand indicators, market conditions, and feasibility factors. No due
cognizance must be given to Institutional factors such as culture, customs and traditions,
habitual ways of thinking and of doing things.
q) With an exclusive right to sell listing, the seller employs only one agent and must pay that
agent a commission regardless of whether it is the agent or the seller who finds a buyer
provided the buyer is found within the listing period.
r) Under an exclusive agency listing, the agent is given the exclusive right to represent the
First Opportunity Examination Question Paper Page 3 of 8
June 2022