4.4. Define what a key concept "aquifer" means.
4.5. From an ecological perspective, we can divide groundwater/aquifers into two (3)
forms/types, namely the relatively shallow alluvial aquifers (usually in
ephemeral drainages and rivers, but also sandy substrates outside rivers), and
the deep aquifers in various fractured or porous rock types. Of these two types
of aquifers, which one is the most important for ecology and why?
4.6. What are the main factors that influence soil formation?
5.1. One of the possible outcomes of interspecific competition is resource
partitioning. Explain resource partitioning using relevant examples and
ecological terms.
5.2. Define the term mutualism and provide three examples of mutualist
relationships that exist in nature.
5.3. The term ecological niche has three distinct meanings among scientists, each (6)
with an associated conceptual basis. Name and explain these three distinct
5.4. Distinguish between fundamental niche and realised niche.
6.1. Population dynamics of any species are concerned with the factors that
influence the expansion, decline, and maintenance of populations. Discuss
the four primary factors that drive population dynamics in nature.
6.2. Population growth is illustrated by the population growth curve that is used to (2)
describe growth patterns. These are namely, exponential growth patterns and
logistic growth patterns. Why is the logistic growth curve/model more
suitable/realistic to describe population growth than the exponential growth
6.3. What are survivorship curves and why are they important?
6.4. Discuss how plant populations are different from animal populations and what (5)
the implications are for the study of population structure and dynamics.