IWM 810S 2019
1.1 You have been invited to give a presentation to Grade 9 learners from Walvis Bay High (14)
School on the Kuiseb River as a linear oasis and as a water supply source. Based on what
you know and experienced on your excursion to the lower Kuiseb River Basin, prepare a
suitable, 7 slide presentation. Emphasize the ecological and the ecqnomic value of the
lower Kuiseb River to the wildlife and people that live alongside it, as well as to the town
of Walvis Bay. Explain who is responsible for water supply from the Kuiseb River give
three challenges to that the water suppliers face. End by inviting the learners to join
you on a visit to the NamWater boreholes, the High Dune Reservoir and to the Gobabeb
Namib Research Institute as you want to further explain and demonstrate the value of
this linear oasis and the challenges of water supply. Your last slide must show a map of
the route you will take for your one-day excursion.
1.2 Write a short newspaper article for the Namib Times to tell readers about the link
between unconventional water sources, and the limited water supplies from
conventional water sources, at the coast. Explain how this could be the solution to
managing water supply in the arid, central coastal region. Base your article on your visit
to the Erongo Desalination Plant and your interviews with NamWater officials during
your coastal excursion. Give your article a catchy title, describe the photograph you will
use and provide a suitable caption.
2.1 Choose either: A. The Bwabwata Okavango Ramsar Site,
B. The Walvis Bay Wetlands Ramsar Site
Use the attached Ramsar Criteria for wetlands of international importance to draw a
table to briefly sum up 5 criteria it meets and to clearly motivate why.
2.2 What is this year's theme for World Wetlands Day. Describe the three activities you did (8)
with learners from Groot Aub during the visit to Avis Dam, clearly link each activity to
either, this year's theme, or the value of a heathy wetland. Finally add which one of
your activities was not really suited to the wetland type at Avis Dam and why.
3.1 What does SASSstand for? and clearly explain why we use aquatic invertebrates to
determine river health.
3.2 The geography teacher at Rundu High School wants her Grade 12 learners to compare
the health of the Okavango River upstream and downstream of Rundu Beach because
she is worried about pollution from people swimming and washing their cars in the river.
She has asked you as the OkBMC Basin Officer to tell her about a simple method she
can use to monitor the quality of the water. Write to tell her about Mini SASS,how it
works, and what equipment she will need. Explain why the method is suitable for
learners to use. Explain what data sheets and identification guides are available. Offer to
assist her the first time and suggest how often they should sample.
3.3 Draw a table to compare three differences between SASS4 and Mini-SASS 2.