Section A [10 marks]
Choose the correct answer from the multiple choice questions below.
1.1 The Job Scheduler seeks to __ when scheduling jobs.
a) Run all CPU intensive jobs first
b) Run all 1/0 intense jobs first
c) Balance the CPU and 1/0 intensive jobs
d) Run the quickest jobs first
1.2 __ allows for faster turnaround of CPU-bound jobs
a) Movements between queues
b) Variance time quantum per queue
c) No movement between queues
d) Aging
1.3 Fill in the missing event that causes deadlock in a database. There are two processes
{Pl and P2}, each of which needs to update two records {Rl and R2) and the following
sequence leads to a deadlock:
1. Pl accesses Rl and locks it.
2. P2 accesses R2 and locks it.
4. P2 requests Rl, which is locked by Pl.
a) P2 releases R2
b) Pl requests Rl again
c) Pl requests R2, which is locked by P2
d) P2 releases Rl
1.4 The Banker's Algorithm is an example of a(n) __ policy
a) Avoidance
b) Recovery
c) Detection
d) Mutual exclusion
1.5 In the "dining philosophers" problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork when __ .
a) it is his/her turn, going in numerical order from one philosopher to the next
b) No other philosopher is eating
c) There is one available
d) There are two available