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Diploma in Property Studies
Bachelor of Property Studies
Bachelor of Land Administration
Diploma in Geomatics
Bachelor of Geomatics
Bachelor of Geo-Information Technology
Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning
Bachelor of Regional and Rural Development
DATE: June 2022
DURATION: 3 hours
COURSE NAME: Introduction to Land Use Planning and
PAPER: Theory
MARKS: 100
EXAMINER(S) N Korrubel, Contact Details: (061} 207 2570,
MODERATOR: C Tjipetekera, Contact Details: (061} 207 2163,
1. The model answers are used as guidelines only.
2. The information presented by the students will be evaluated on merit.
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 12 PAGES (Including this front page)

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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
Question 1
State whether the following statement is true or false. If your answer is "false", please provide the
correct answer as well. Each answer counts 2 marks.
a) The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development has the role to coordinate and spearhead the
decentralisation process, which entails the transferring of powers to various ministerial
offices in the regions.
b) An additional public interest element pays attention to planning decisions which have been
based on the prevention of bankruptcy. For example, application for the development of a
specific business activity in close proximity to a number of similar existing ones may be
refused on the grounds that it has a high risk of commercial failure.
c) A policy is a statement of a set of principles or a course of action adopted by government.
Policies state what government intends to do to address certain issues or problems but they
are not binding.
d) The Lands Tribunal advise the President on the control and use of communal land, and on
other matters refered to it by the President, in terms of the Council of Traditional Leaders
e) The principle "the reduction, re-use and recycling of waste must be promoted" is included in
the Environmental Protection Act.
f) The Flexible Land Tenure Act allows for a certain property registration system, namely the
professional interchangeable property registration system.
g) The public interest element "protection of agricultural land" refers to the fact that
sustainable food production requires both a sufficient base of agricultural land and
agricultural practices that do not degrade the land, in other words farmland preservation.
h) The administrative center (seat) of a specific region is indicated in Article 102 and 103 of the
Namibian Constitution.
i) The content of intra-regional planning varies from region to region.
j) Article 16 of the Namibian Constitution stipulates that all persons shall have the right to buy
property, provided that parliament may through legislation regulate the right to buy
property by non-Namibians.
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
Question 2
Complete the following definition of "town planning" by John Ratcliffe. Write your answers in the
answering script next to the appropriate number, for example (a) Answer, (b) Answer etc. Each
answer counts 1 mark.
Town planning is "the art and science of _(a)_
and _(b)_
and _(c)_
the maximum practicable degree of economy convenience and beauty.
so as to secure
Question 3
Identify whether the descriptions included in the table is that of Inter-Regional Planning or Intra-
Regional planning.
A The prime aim of this type of planning is obviously more economic in nature relating to the
achievement of a satisfactory relationship between people and jobs.
B This type of planning focus on the allocation of resources between the sub-regions of the
region and between various policy fields, for example transport and economic
C This type of planning's aim is to achieve a satisfactory relationship between people, jobs
and the environment.
D This type of planning has developed largely as a response to the problems of economic
imbalance between regions resulting from the changing locational preferences of industry.
Question 4
The degree of importance or consideration given to each of the four categories of planning
depends upon the level of planning. Read through the included scenario and answer the following
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) has requested the Ministry of Urban
and Rural Development to instruct the various sub-national authorities of the northern regions of
Namibia, to each compile a planning document (including a map), which will identify and
demarcate areas that must be protected from sand-mining activities (for example a Protected
Areas Zone). The planning document must also identify areas where sand-mining activities have
occurred and can continue after the necessary environmental clearance certificate was obtained
from MEFT.
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
a) This planning document's focus will be mainly on two categories of planning. Identify the
relevant two categories.
b) This scenario, of cooperation between two ministries, is an excellent example of _(b)_
integration of the different sectors, which will result in the production of a meaningful plan.
c) Identify the name and year of the act, as mentioned in the following section.
MEFT is of the opinion that the various traditional leaders of the traditional communities
should be involved in a workshop, which will focus on the sustainable use of the natural
resources, in view of the _(c)_
(act) which stipulates that one of their (traditional
leaders) duties is "to ensure that the members of his or her traditional community use the
natural resources at their disposal on a sustainable basis and in a manner that conserves the
environment ...".
Source: Section 3(2)( c) of the relevant act.
Question 5
The essential justification for land use planning is the public interest. Identify the relevant public
interest element for each of the descriptions in the table below. Write down the correct public
interest element for questions (a) to (j).
A It is from principles such as these that ... housing and building codes are drawn up to
regulate and control individual buildings or specific activities in order to protect the users
and the community at large.
B This public interest element ( answer {b}) is also concerned with equal opportunities to
the necessities of life such as work, shelter, education and medical care. Controls of
densities of residential areas and locations of community facilities have direct
consequences on choice.
C Congestion problems were tackled in the past by for example road construction. Such
improvements attracted more cars and caused more congestion. There is a new drive for
public transit.
D When the crunch came in the 1970s, the importance of an ( answer {d}) efficient land use
pattern was "rediscovered", but our cities had already been locked into a land use pattern
of low-density sprawl dependent on the automobile.
E The adequacy and suitability of a space for the activities to be carried out in it, can be
achieved through such measures as efficient site layouts, adequate floor areas and
parking provisions.
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
F There has been growing consensus about the proper use of serviced land which is usually
translated to mean more compact and higher density development. This is attractive to
both the municipal government and developer but existing neighbours often do not like it.
G This element of public interest refers to the pleasantness of the urban environment as a
place in which to live, work and spend one's leisure time .... it is difficult to develop
control measures to achieve an attractive and pleasant urban environment.
H ( answer {h} ) is affected by the density, or compactness, of land development. The
higher the density of land use the shorter the time and distance between uses. But this
also means more constricted sites and more built-up areas with less adequate and
suitable space for the users and perhaps greater health and safety problems.
I Land use planning and regulations are needed to manage urban growth at the fringe areas
of the city in order to halt the encroachment ... and to protect the rural ambience enjoyed
by the existing residents.
J There are several reasons for the shift from urban redevelopment and renewal to (
answer {j} ). Urban renewal and redevelopment has acquired a bad name for itself,
especially as the villain responsible for breaking up communities and creating high rise
Question 6
Read through the newspaper article "Etosha informal settlement formalized" of 16 March 2022.
The Oshikoto Regional Council has resolved to formalise the Onayena settlement at the
Etosha National Park.
The decision was taken to improve service delivery and properly coordinate development at
the settlement.
In the past, infrastructure development, land allocation and occupation at Onayena have
been halted to allow for the proper demarcation of land.
Oshikoto Regional Council chief regional officer Christella Mwenyo in a statement says the
formalisation will allow them to source developmental funds from the ministry.
"Following this approval, the council is set to embark on sourcing funds from the line
ministry to develop and service the land before the location is officially formalised.
"Among other resolutions taken during the first ordinary council meeting of 2022 was the
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
approval to conduct a socio-economic assessment which aims at assessing both social and
economic conditions at the newly declared settlement. ...
a) Identify the relevant legislation in terms of which Onayena was declared a settlement area.
Provide full details (name & year).
b) It appears, according to the underlined section in the article, that the initial declaration of
the settlement could have been because the regional authority realised there is a need for
some control and regulation to protect the health and welfare of the inhabitants of the area.
Describe in which other instance a settlement area can be declared.
c) Once Onayena is declared a settlement, procedures and responsibilities as per the relevant
act become applicable for planning and management purposes. Identify the relevant act.
Provide full details (name & year).
Question 7
Discussthe scope of the Urban and Regional Planning Act.
Question 8
Read through the newspaper article "Nam-Zambia rail line gets green light" of 13 April 2022
IT has officially been proven that extending Namibia's rail line to connect Namibia and
Zambia is commercially and environmentally viable, and would have various economic
This comes following a feasibility study on the extension of Zambia's rail network to
Namibia, which is expected to cover 770km.
The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Works and Transport and carried out by
Mumbai-based consultant MR Technofin.
It was jointly funded by the state and the African Development Bank and investigated the
possibility of a line running from Zambia to Katima Mulilo and Grootfontein, where it would
connect with Namibia's rail system.
The main aim of the project is to stimulate the development of mining activity along the
corridor between Walvis Bay and Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
This would allow Zambia, Namibia and the DRC to export copper and other minerals to
buyers in China, Europe and America.
Namibia has been instrumental in the copper trade - especially of the landlocked Zambia
and conflict-stricken DRC.
Last year alone, Namibia exported huge amounts of copper through Walvis Bay.
Canadian mining outfit Tsodilo Resources, which is active in the region, ... the company's
chief executive officer, in a press release says the extension would open up a transport
system for its Xaudum iron ore mine in Botswana, which is 35km from the proposed route ....
Deputy director of industrialisation and trade Michael Humavindu says any opportunity to
extend trading infrastructure within the Southern African Development Community, the
Southern African Customs Union area and Africa is welcome.
"Specifically with Zambia, copper and hopefully animal feed will be vital for our downstream
sectors. We can also collaborate with them in terms of sugar production. If indeed it is
viable, let us explore the option of financing by the private sector ....
Namibia Trade Forum chief executive officer Stacey Pinto says while the rail line was
targeted to enable the mining sector, there are other industries which can be positioned
along the railway line, which would help facilitate trade across borders ....
"Transporting goods by rail could also reduce costs for such goods and make them even
more competitive in the region," she says.
National budget documents for 2021/22 show the transport ministry has been allocated N$1
billion for the construction, renovation and improvement of railway lines. Last year this
budget was only N$458 million ....
Source: https ://www. namibia .na/111675/read/Na m-Zambia-ra ii-Iine-gets-green-light
a) In view of the information included in the article, identify the relevant pillar of the NDPS
(National Development Plan 5) which this article relates with (1 mark) and motivate your
answer for an additional two marks.
b) State the goal of the relevant pillar (your answer provided in 8(a)).
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
Question 9
Define the term "resettlement".
Question 10
Identify the four pillars of the land reform programme. Provide complete answers.
Question 11
ANSWER ONLY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO QUESTIONS. Provide a heading to indicate which
one your answer refers to.
A] Discussthe scope of the Agricultural Commercial Land Reform Act.
BJ Discussthe aim and scope of the Communal Land Reform Act.
Question 12
Describe the following two aspects which are focused on during the compilation of IRLUPs:
a) Potentials
b) Conflicts
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
Question 13
Read through the newspaper article "Walvis to speed up Green Valley Development" of 31 March
2022 (Adam Hartman)
The Walvis Bay municipal council recommended the approval of N$11 million toward the
development of services of Green Valley (Farm 37) while it waits for central government's
assistance of about N$109 million.
Late last year some councillors motioned for the development of Green Valley to be expedited
because residents are living in deplorable and risky conditions.
In fact, several shacks have been destroyed by fire at the harbour town this year, which has also
resulted in death and injury and loss of possessions.
" ... although there was another motion ... requesting the government for financial assistance,
council should still start while waiting for the government to respond," some councillors noted.
Based on the latest survey, there were about 35 000 people living in 11 000 shacks in deplorable
conditions that need to be addressed.
Two portions of the prospective township need to be fully serviced, which will cost about N$109
million (the servicing of the entire Green Valley is estimated to cost over N$163 million). The
town's council has already spent over N$7,5 million on communal servicing in 2020, which
includes gravel roads, communal water and sewer connect points. In order to speed up the
process, it intends to spend another N$11 million.
It was noted that those residents to be relocated to Green Valley will be those currently residing in
shacks in highly congested areas of Kuisebmond and in Narraville. The two serviced portions will
be able to provide erven to 684 households.
"It is understandable that [the two portions] are for ultra-low-income groups. However, for the
sustainable continuation of the provision of the services to these areas, council should make it
mandatory for the recipients of the subject lots to pay for such services," the councillors
Source: Erongo Community Newspaper https:/ /
a) The article refers to central government (underlined) Identify the relevant ministry who is
responsible for the provision of supportive services to the regional authorities, local
authorities and traditional authorities, while at the same time attending to the mandated
routine functions of the Ministry.
b) The article mentions that two portions of the prospective township need to be fully serviced
in order to create ±684 erven. The layout plan for the two portions must be designed and
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
approved before the erven can be serviced. Describe a township layout plan (a type of
implementation plan).
c) The two large portions of Green Valley (formerly known as Farm 37) at Walvis Bay, are
technically two portions of townlands, owned by the local authority and located east of
Walvis Bay on the road to the Walvis Bay International airport. Explain what the term
"townlands" mean.
d) Before the township layout can be compiled the planning consultant must check whether a
servitude is registered. Complete the following description of a servitude. Indicate the
answers as follows: 13{d)(i), 13{d)(ii) etc. in your answering script.
"It is a common form of (...i...) found frequently in rural and urban areas. A servitude is
registered (...ii...), in favour of a (...iii ...) or a service provider."
Question 14
Please read the following scenario and answer Questions 14(a) to (e) below.
The management of NUST bought erf 5930, near the NUST campus, situated in Windhoek-West.
Currently the School of Computing and Informatics is located on the erf. Recently the NUST
management has approached the owner of adjacent Erf 1220 to sell a portion of his/her erf (Erf
1220, next to Erf 5930).
According to the SG-diagram Erf 1220, Windhoek-West, is 3581m 2 in size. NUST is interested in
purchasing a portion of at least 1300m 2 of Erf 1220, in order to create a larger erf, for the
construction of additional computer laboratories and lecturing venues.
In view of the agreement reached between NUSTand the owner of Erf 1220, NUSTwill submit the
necessary subdivision application with the officials. The structures on the remaining portion of Erf
1220, will be used for minor business purposes by the current owner. The density zone of 1:900 is
applicable in Windhoek-West. The subdivided portion will be consolidated with Erf 5930. Erf 5930
holds the land use zone "Office Zone" and Erf 1220 holds the land use zone "Institutional Zone".
See also Figure 1.
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
Figure 1
a) State the three main issues which must be considered during the evaluation of a proposed
b) Provide a hand drawn sketch of the consolidation (process to follow after the subdivision),
according to the information provided. Indicate clearly all the information, which must be
provided on a consolidation plan.
c) Explain the approval process of a subdivision application within a local authority area with
the necessary accreditation.
d) Determine whether the owner of Erf 1220 can run a minor business from the remaining
erf, Erf 1220. State YESor NO. Motivate your answer. See also Figure 2.
e) Determine whether NUST can use Erf 5930 for tertiary education and lecturing purposes.
State YESor NO. Motivate your answer. See also Figure 2.
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Introduction to Land Use Planning and Management
~-elling Ullfu
Retidmtial bufildin~ Pl2:ce:;of public
wonhip, Placl!!l ofirutruction, Socia] halL",
Institutions, Special Bed-and-
braakfaru, Reside:nt occupatioILSand
Hait.age buildings (Far detal!l.srefer to
Other use:; not 1mder
cohmm.s 3 2:n-d4
Dwelling unru,
reside:DtiaJ buildings
Pfac6 ofpublicwonhip, Plsce:1 of
:i.n.s,1nlcti0ll, Institutioru,. SpeciaJ buildings,
Hotels, Resident occupatiom, and Haitag:e
build in~ (For details refer to Table H)
Ofuer use:1not
columns 3 ai-d 4
Shops, Bll.9inllli;
buildmgs, dwellirig
nnits, ri!!:iidentia]
buildings and soci.aJ
Other use:1not 1md.ercolumns 3 and 5
Noxious industrial
Busine2 buildmgs
Pfac6 ofimtruction,
!o«ial halls and
places of public
1•fnnicipal purJN)SE!S
or Agricultural
Other use:1not tmder columns 3 and!5
Dwelling unruR, esidED.,tialbuilding:!,
:in!!,titutiO:n!!p, edal buildmgs, sb.op3, buildings and busmabsuildings
All use:; not tmda cotunm 4
_JlJuI se:;
~-elling unruR, esidED.,tfabl uilding:.,
I:nstitutiow, Placl!!lof public warship,
Busine2 bllildmgs, hotels,
Noxious indllitrial
Other use:! not tmder
cohmm.s 3 smd 4
Other use:; not tmder
cohmms 3 :md 4
Figure 2
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