[lxlO Marks]
Answer the following five questions either 'True' or 'False'.
a) Travelers with low values of time will likely choose to take the tolled route. FALSE
b) Providing improved travel time and travel time reliability is generally among the largest
societal benefits from transportation infrastructure projects. TRUE
c) Only if transport is evaluated in terms of access can strategies that reduce the need for
travel, such as telework and more efficient land use, be considered as solutions to
transport problems. TRUE
d) Marginal costs will start to fall before average costs start to fall. TRUE
e) Fuel costs, accident costs, congestion costs and climate change costs are all examples of
external costs FALSE
f) Transport economics is a field of study aimed at minimising social welfare FALSE
g) Social welfare is maximised where the Marginal Social Cost curve meets the Marginal
Social Benefit curve TRUE
h) Transport economics feeds into transport policy and vice versa TRUE
i) Equipment, buildings and land which are fixed cost, but can be sold and their value partly
recovered are sunk costs. TRUE
j) Transport is a public utility in the sense that it is vital to the overall public interest. TRUE
[10 Marks]
2.1 Explain the following terms as they apply to transport economics
a) Marginal Social Costs, (MSB)
(3 marks)
b) Marginal Social Benefit, (MSB)
(3 marks)
c) Marginal Private Costs, (MPC)
(3 marks)
d) Utility
(3 marks)
2.2 Why is road congestion seen as an external cost/negative externality in transport?
(10 marks)
2.3 Describe and explain the following graph as it relates to road pricing? (12 marks)