Write short notes to define or explain the following terms:
1.1. Monitoring
1.2. Adaptive management
1.3. Morden Wildlife Technologies
Explain the difference between the following pairs of terms.
2.1. Total counts vs. Sample counts.
2.2. Immobilization vs. Tranquillization
2.3. Infectious vs Contagious diseases
2.4. Defoliants vs Desiccants (for a farmer)
2.5. Qualitative Data vs. Quantitative data
3.1. Wildlife monitoring is regarded as the surveillance of the natural environment or (7)
any of its components. Briefly explain the importance of wildlife monitoring for
wildlife management.
3.2. Dr Erold Naomab purchased a farm in the central parts of Namibia and wants to (5)
determine the wildlife population on that property. As a Natural Resource
Management student, name five (5) techniques that Dr Naomab may use to
determine the wildlife population on his new farm.
3.3. Dr Naomab is a strong believer in modern technology and wants to use modern (9)
technology to monitor wildlife on his property. He has been briefly introduced to
the use of camera traps. Explain to Dr Naomab what a camera trap is (2), the
importance of a camera trap (3) and how it is set up (4).
3.4. Adaptive management is a tool used in Natural Resources Management to ensure (8)
effective and efficient management of natural resources. List eight {8} the
importance of adaptive management toward Natural Resources Management.
4.1. Careful planning is the cornerstone of a successful game capture operation, this (8)
ensures high economical returns and reduces high mortality as a result of stress to
the targeted animal. Outline eight {8} factors to consider when planning a game
capture operation to ensure the success of the operation.