14. In pre-cooling, heat is mostly removed by;
A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. None of these
15. Bitterness in citrus juice is due to
A. Sugar
B. Acid
C. Glucosides
D. Vitamins
Section B: Answer all questions (85 MARKS)
1. Differentiate between the following terms, giving examples
a. Maturity and ripeness, in development of fruits and vegetables.
b. Controlled atmosphere and modified storage atmosphere
c. With the help of a graph (s}, distinguish between climacteric and non-climacteric fruits in
terms of growth, respiration and ethylene production
2. Using a named fruit or vegetable, explain the pre-harvest and harvest factors affecting its quality
after harvest
3. Mention two main physiological activities that take place in growing plants and harvested
produce which have implication on how long they can be kept?
4. Explain briefly six (6) strategies of controlling post-harvest losses in fruits and vegetables
5. A Food Safety Manager at Namibia Fresh Produce Manager is reviewing the shipment that
came in late yesterday. She noticed that the strawberries have decayed. What should she do?
6. Assume you have been appointed as a manager to oversee the operations of Mashare Irrigation
Scheme responsible for production of spinach. Make your best recommendation for harvesting
and handling harvested spinach assuming the irrigation scheme lack refrigerated storage
7. Temperature control has been mentioned throughout the course as the number one tool that
the postharvest horticulturist has at his disposal to maintain the quality of fresh flowers, fruits
and vegetables. Briefly describe how temperature management relates to the following.
a. Postharvest pathogens:
b. Physiological disorders:
c. Water loss:
d. Respiration: