4. Which of the following phyla do the barnacles belong to?
1. Annelida
2. Echinodermata
3. Mollusca
4. Arthropoda
5. Cnidaria
5. Which of these groups of marine molluscs belong to Class Bivalvia?
a. Octopuses, Squids, Nautilus
b. Clams, Mussels, Oysters
c. Snails, Abalone
d. Slugs, Periwinkles
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Total marks [40]
6. With an appropriate schematic diagram, describe the different zones along the
substratum of the marine ecosystem.
7. Briefly explain the factors that affect Secchi disc depth (zscto) f water in the marine
8. Briefly explain the diurnal distribution of dissolved oxygen in the marine environment
with a suitable graphic illustration.
9. With graphical representations, briefly explain the vertical variation patterns of
phosphates in an oligotrophic and eutrophic aquatic system.
10. In a tabular form, outline the main differences between marine Coccolithophores and
11. With a suitable example, explain any two characteristics of the marine cephalopods. (4)
12. In a tabular form, outline the main structural differences between marine diatoms and
marine dinoflagellates.
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Total marks [45]
13. (a). Name any three products of anoxic decomposition in the marine ecosystem.