t:.and Economics
Question 1
For each of the following statements indicate whether it is 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. Each correct answer
carries 1 mark.
a) Property tax satisfies the principle of equity because as a progressive tax system, the rate of
tax rises with increasing rateable values of property.
b) In situations where the law fixes the rate of property tax in primary legislation, the tax
revenues will vary according to changes in market values and regular revaluations.
c) Given any urban use of land (i.e., Residential, industrial or commercial), operations carried
out within their areas of highest and best use are profitable, but not as profitable as those
carried out within their zones of transference.
d) Land use capacity measures the productive potential of a given parcel of land utilized for a
given use at a given time with a specified technological and production conditions.
e) According to Von Thunen's Theory of Least-cost location activities located beyond the no-
rent margin can be profitable only when the gains in reduction in labour and management
costs more than compensate transportation cost (loss).
f) Bid rent theory assumes that in a free market the highest bidder will obtain the use of the
land. It stands to reason that the highest bidder is likely to be the one who can obtain the
maximum profit per square metre from the site and so can pay the highest rent.
g) Profit-making land uses are those uses that produce satisfaction (utility) to the users of land
whilst non-profit making land uses are those that give only monetary benefits to the users of
h) The concept of use capacity is used in land economics to give an indication of relative
abilities of a single parcel to provide net returns or other satisfactions.
First Opportunity Examination Question Paper Page 2 of 6
November 2022