b) chargethat nation'sproductsa tariff rate no higherthan that on any other nation
c) chargethat nation'sproductsa highertariff than anyother nation's
d) exportsto that nationanyproductsthat it wantsto purchase
16. If internationaltrade takes placeas a result of comparativeadvantage,it will causewhich of the
following effects in the participatingcountries?
a) Inequalityamonghouseholdswill be reduced.
b) Theaveragewell-being of peoplein bothcountrieswill increase.
c) Bothcountrieswill grow faster over time.
d) All of the above
17. Mercantilism
a) Is the philosophyof free internationaltrade.
b) Wasa systemof export promotionandbarriers to importspracticedby governments.
c) Waspraisedby AdamSmithin TheWealthof Nations.
d) Both(a) and(c).
18. TheWorldTradeOrganizationis sometimescriticizedfor all of the following reasonsexcept
a) it reducesthe sovereigntyof membercountries
b) favors free trade over the quality of the environment
c) it hasno way to solvetrade disputesamongmembercountries
d) it is a "puppet"of multinationalcorporations
19. If Namibiawishesto reduceits current accountdeficit would be advisedto:
a) Engagein moregovernmentspending.
b) Reducegovernmenttax.
c) Decreasedomesticconsumptionspending.
d) Increaseprivate investmentspending.
20. A primary reasonwhy nationsconductinternationaltrade is because:
a) Somenationsprefer to produceonething while othersproduceanother
b) Resourcesare not equallydistributedto all trading nations
c) Tradeenhancesopportunitiesto accumulateprofits
d) Interestrates are not identicalin all trading nations
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1. What is the difference between the main arguments by David Hume and Adam Smith
on their critique of Mercantilism?
2. Explain briefly what happens to the trade balance when demand is price inelastic,
according to the price-specie-flow mechanism.
3. One of the assumptions made by David Hume in criticising Mercantilism is that there
is a link between money and prices. Explain this assumption briefly.