Section A
1. Marketing as a concept requires a definition. Based on your understanding indicate
whether the following definitions are (True or False) (10)
a. Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services.
b. Marketing is the building of a relationship between a company, a product, and a
consumer. (2)
c. Marketing is the act of connecting customers to products. (2)
d. Marketing is defining a customer's problem and solving it with your product. (2)
e. Marketing is putting the right product in the right place, in front of the right
people, at the right price, at the right time. (2)
2. Define the following terms (15)
a. Marketing strategy. (3)
b. Customer rights. (3)
c. Marketing Environment. (3)
d. Market presence. (3)
e. Branding. (3)
3. The marketer is expected to understand the product cycle on the market. Define and
describe the following product cycle stages. (15)
a. Product Development. (3)
b. Product introduction. (3)
C. Product growth. (3)
d. Product maturity. (3)
e. Product decline. (3)