SECTION A [24 Marks]
QUESTION 1 [24 Marks]
1.1 A rural community is faced with potential contamination of their water resources.
Express any four (4) the strategies you will propose to prevent such incident.
1.2 Enumerate the purpose of conducting portable water quality monitoring.
1.3 Explain any four (4) modes through which poor water quality can indirectly affect
human health.
1.4 In Tabular form, differentiate between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. (8)
SECTION B [32 Marks]
QUESTION 2 [32 Marks]
2.1 As an EHP,clarify the education information on effects of exposure to ionizing
radiation on human health you will provide to Matric students on a tour to an
Uranium Mine.
2.2 Briefly discuss the following air pollution management and control measures.
2.3 The City of Windhoek requires guidance on the most effective Solid Waste
Management and Control strategy to adopt. Waste reduction at source was
identified as the most effective strategy. Provide arguments to justify this claim.
2.4 The sound level of a power generator was measured at regular intervals giving
the following sound level dB(A): 96, 90, 110, 100, 86 and 104. Calculate the
average noise level.
2.5 Discuss any five (5) anthropogenic activities that can contribute to pollution of
the ambient air.
SECTION C [44 Marks]
QUESTION 3 [44 Marks]
3.1 Examine any five (5) safety measures and control of Environmental Noise
3.2 3.2.1 Recall the concept of Carbon Footprint (CF)
3.2.2 State any five (5) ways of contribution to reduction of CFby an individual
3.3 Specify the any five (5) factors that could be responsible for the contamination of
potable water supply by the municipality
3.4 Briefly describe the concept of "Green House Effects" and support your description
with a diagram