Question 1
Explain how the following are useful in computer forensics:
i. Steganalysis
ii. Raw picture format
iii. The Daubert Standard
Question 2
a. Compare a sparse to a logical data acquisition technic.
b. Comment on two ways how the Ext4 file systems helps in digital forensics
investigations as compared to NTFSfile systems.
c. In what way is the EXIF file format helpful when conducting a digital a forensic
investigation besides providing metadata.
Question 3
Consider investigating an email abuse at an organisation. Outline five steps you would take
to preserve the evidence in such an investigation.
Question 4
a. Distinguish between RAM Slack and FILESlack.
b. You are given the following information about a Windows 10 machine.
Cluster size = 10248, Sector size 648
Given that a file's size is 568B. Given also that the file if store in the Windows 10
machine above. Find the size of
i. File slack
ii. RAM slack that is created by storing such a file {Please show all your work).
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