Multiple Choice
[2*15 = 30Marks]
1.1. The Strait of Malacca is a natural
c. Hydroelectric
waterway that separates
d. All of the above
and the
1.7. A green transport plan is:
a. Malaysia and China
a. An environmentally acceptable
b. Malaysia and Sri Lanka
travel plan by a local authority
c. Malaysia and Indonesia
for its transport operators.
d. None of the mentioned
b. An internationally
1.2. Which of the statements below is a
strategy for reducing the impact
core principle of transport geography
of international transport on the
a. A location can be a central or an
global environment
intermediate element of
c. Namibia's plan for a sustainable
transport sector
b. Transportation
d. A plan devised by a company or
massification but is constrained
organization to reduce the
by atomization
environmental impact of the
c. The relationship between space
transport demands generated
and time can converge or
by itself and its employees.
1.8. Which of the following is a shipping
d. All of the mentioned
document that indicates the details of
1.3. In intermodal transportation, a
the shipment delivery of goods and
consignment note is also known as:
their ownership?
a. Shipping note
a. Sight draft
b. Consignment agreement
b. Time draft
c. Agreement between consignor
c. Letter of credit
and consignee
d. None of the above
d. None of the mentioned
1.9. Which of the following is not part of
1.4. Which of the following is a
the most common sizes of containers?
a. 20 ft.
b. 40 ft.
a. Service quality
C. 45 ft.
b. Staff composition
d. None of the mentioned
c. Technological innovation
1.10. Which of the following is suitable
d. Infrastructure quality
for transporting liquid form goods?
e. None of the above
a. Tank container
1.5. Renewable energy refers to:
b. Open top container
a. Coal
c. Standard container
b. Oil
d. Flat container
c. Natural gas
e. None of the mentioned
d. None of the mentioned
1.11. Standardised
1.6. Which of the following is a
intermodal transportation refers to:
renewable energy source?
a. Containers carry a wider range
a. Solar
of items and commodities
b. Methane
b. lntermodal transport service