Question 5
[15 marks]
True or False Questions
Use the table provided on [page 5] to answer these questions, detach and insert it into your
answer booklet. 1.5 mark will be awarded for each correct answer.
5.1 Converting percent markup on cost to percent markup on selling price:
% Ms = % markup on cost
X 100%
100% - % markup on cost
5.2 Converting percent markup on selling price to percent markup on cost:
% Mc= % markup on selling price
X 100%
100% - Markup on cost
5.3 There are a lot of examples of perfect competition and pure monopoly.
5.4 Conditions necessary for a monopoly includes being a single seller of product, having no
close substitutes and having significant barriers to entry.
5.5 Price Discrimination has identifiable customer groups with differing price inelasticities.
5.6 Limit pricing set prices low as signal to possible entrants or other competitors of your
willingness and ability to defend your market share.
5.7 The Oligopolist does not recognise interdependence in pricing and output decisions.
5.8 The inverse relationship between the quantity of a good desired by people in a market and
the factors that affect that the quantity desired is referred to as the demand for the product.
5.9 In price competition, a seller rarely offers products priced as low as possible and
accompanied by a minimum of services.
5.1O Many firms would prefer to engage in non-price competition by building brand equity and
relationships with customers.
Question 6
[15 marks]
Multiple Choice Questions
Use the table provided on [page 5] to answer these questions, detach and insert it into your
answer booklet. 1.5 mark will be awarded for each correct answer.
6.1 The relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and the price of that good is
referred to as the ___
A) supply
B) demand
C) sales
D) costs
E) None of the above