Question 1 [25 marks]
a) An international mining company intends to apply for an Exclusive Prospecting Licence
{EPL) in Namibia. Due to administrative limitations, the company decided to appoint a
proxy to be responsible for its commercial interests in Namibia. You have been
appointed as the company's proxy and you are required to obtain an EPL for the
company. Provide a brief outline to the corporate office of the company on the legal
provisions, requirements, and granted rights of an EPLin Namibia.
b) Outline to the company any three additional licenses as provided in the Minerals Act
of Namibia of 1992, focusing on the requirements, conditions, and rights granted. [15]
Question 2 [25 marks]
a) Namibia is a country of diverse natural resources, biological and ecological diversity.
This brings the need to preserve protected areas in Namibia. The National Policy on
Prospecting and Mining in Protected areas addresses some of these concerns.
I. Explain in your own terms, what you understand by the term
"Protected Areas" and provide appropriate examples.
II. Discuss the guiding principles behind the National Policy on Prospecting
and Mining in Protected Areas.
Ill. The policy was jointly developed by the Ministry of Mines and Energy,
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and other international
bodies. Discuss the challenges of joint formulation of policies as well as
the joint implementation of policies between and amongst government
b) Outline any four (4) objectives of the policy in a).
Question 3 [25 marks]
a) Discuss the Diamond Act No.13 of 1999, focusing on its purpose and objectives. [10]
b) Outline the prerequisites for obtaining the Environmental Clearance Certificate. [10]
c) Explain your understanding of the term "Social Licence to Operate" (SLO) and explain
its importance.
Question 4 [25 marks]
a) Provide a summary of the Namibia Minerals Policy, focusing on the ability of the policy
to satisfy the developmental aspirations of the people of Namibia as well as economic
growth and prosperity.
b) Explain and discuss the importance of the Environmental Management System (EMS)
in the mining operation.
--End of Examination Paper--