7. What are the components of information system?
a) A combination of hardware, software, and communication technology
b) Collecting, maintaining, analyzing, and disseminating information
c) Computer servers, networks, and wiring along with personal computers
d) Data, people, and processes and a combination of hardware, software, and
communications technology
8. A portable method of storage of health data is known as:
a) e-medicine
b) Smart card
c) e-health
d) e-care
9. Which of the following is the great benefit of EHR?
a) Improved efficiency
b) Costs
c) Fear of technology
d) Security concerns
10. Which of the following is an information system activity_?
a) Input
b) privacy
c) security
d) quality
11. Downtime procedures for both planned and unplanned system availability should be
part of the regular IT infrastructure as well as incorporated into the security program, a
data security program must:
a) Legal documentation
b) Communication measures
c) Protect informational privacy by ensuring that data cannot be accessed by
unauthorised users
d) Billing and reimbursement
12. The main source(s) of data that go into hundreds of aggregate reports or queries that
are often developed and used by providers and executives in healthcare organizations
a) Patient records
b) Uniform billing information
c) Discharge data sets
d) All the above