Question 1:
Camera traps {trail cameras) have become an important monitoring tool for wildlife
management. Evaluate this statement with guidance from the categories below:
1.1 The wildlife monitoring information they can provide?
1.2 What management information can you not extract from camera trap monitoring?
Question 2:
2.1 Mammalian predators are important components of wildlife ecosystems in Namibia.
Discuss this statement referring specifically to aspects of human-wildlife conflict, ungulate
management, wildlife economics and biodiversity conservation.
Question 3:
Physical management of wildlife is complex and can be done in various ways. Assess each of
the management strategies below and decide how you will manage wildlife under each
strategy, and why.
3.1 A small trophy hunting farm of 3 000 hectares in the central shrub and tree savanna of
3.2 A multi-use conservation landscape, such as the Etosha South-West Landscape, which
includes Etosha National Park, Etosha Heights Private Reserve, commercial farms and
communal conservancies.
3.3 The overall management of elephants in Namibia.