Question 1
Define the following concepts:
Customer orientation
Marketing research
Marketing intelligence
Service culture
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
Question 2
2.1 In a service business, the customer and the frontline service employees interact to create the service.
This chain has five links. What are the five (5) steps in the service profit chain? (10 Marks)
Question 3
3.1 Consumer behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of final customers, individuals and households
who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Identify and clarify personal and social factors
affecting consumer behaviour.
(20 Marks)
3.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Market Segmentation?
(6 Marks)
Question 4
4.1 Identify and explain the three (3) different types of Marketing Intelligence.
(9 Marks)
4.2 Mention and explain the different product levels in Marketing, provide examples from the Hospitality
and Tourism Industry.
(12 Marks)
Question 5
5.1 What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.
(4 Marks)
5.2 When collecting primary data, marketing researchers have a choice of primary research instruments;
List these different types of research instruments.
(5 Marks)
5.3 In a table form, state the advantages and disadvantages of Advertising.
(8 Marks)
5.4 Discuss the role and function of Public Relations in tourism and Hospitality marketing.
(14 Marks)