QUESTION 1: Compulsory
1.1 Name any 4 branches of Geophysics and the relevant rock physical property
on which each branch relies.
1.2 What are the units that we use in magnetic and gravity surveys?
1.3. Name four (4) major applications of geophysical methodology.
1.4. Name the arrays commonly used in resistivity and IP
surveys for sounding and profiling.
2.1 Write the general formula which expresses the form and amplitude of a
gravity (or magnetic) anomaly. Briefly explain the effect on an anomaly
of each of the parameters in the formula and outline possible ambiguities.
2.2 Show, with the aid of a sketch, the effect on a magnetic anomaly of taking
readings at too coarse a spacing. Discuss how this will affect interpretation?[5]
2.3. Of the two effects on a magnetic (or gravity) anomaly that happens as one buries
its source at progressively at deeper depths, use a sketch to show how the gravity or
magnetic profile will look at (i) shallow depth, (ii) intermediate depth and (iii) very deep
2.4. Show three differences between a gravity and magnetic anomaly
3.1 Name the reductions that need to be applied to observed gravity data
in order to produce a Bouguer anomaly map.
3.2 The magnetic data is normaly produced in Total Magnetic intensity anomalies.
From this is calculated the First Vertical Derivative and Analytical Signal. List the
benefits, and drawbacks, of doing so in each case.