1. Define the following:
Decreaser species
Increaser II species
2. Label the leaf bases below (a-g): -
3. Discuss how a farmer in the Omaheke region can set-up a benchmark in his farm and how he
will benefit from setting-up the said benchmark. Currently, his farm has 7000ha of rangeland
but it fails to support 100 Large Stock Units from one rainfall season to the next.
4. How do you determine if a leaf is simple or compound?
5. Suppose that during a drought, and grass species A is still alive in both the benchmark and the [SJ
surroundings, grass species B is found to have died in both the benchmark and the
continuously grazed surroundings, grass species C is found to have died out in the surroundings
but survived in the benchmark:
a. Which species is resistant to continuous grazing?
b. Which is likely to be a mesophyte?
c. Which species is likely to be a palatable xerophyte?
d. Which species is likely to be an unpalatable xerophyte?
e. Which species would you collect seeds from to re-establish in the surrounding areas after
the introduction of good grazing management?
6. Name any 2 plant species with compound leaves and any 2 with simple leaves? (Scientific
names only).
7. Name any 2 plant species with paripinnate compound leaves and any 2 with imparipinnate
compound leaves? (Scientific names only).
Suppose a farmer with rangeland of 9000ha estimates at the end of the growing season
that a representative square with sides of 45m is required by one LSUday and that the dry
season will last for 250 days.
9. Draw and fully label a flower and its parts; inferior vs superior.