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MARKS: 100
1. Answer ALLthe questions and start each question on a new page.
2. Read all questions carefully before answering.
3. Number answers according to the numbering structure provided in the question
THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF 15 PAGES (Including this front page)

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Readthe following research article and answer the questions that follow. The original article
has been adapted for assessment purposes.
The impact of work placement on graduate employment in computing: Outcomes from a
UK-based study
This study followed recent computing graduates into the workplace and explored their
undergraduate experiences of work placements and subsequent impact on graduate
employment. Whilst studying at one of 14 Scottish universities, participants (n=99) had
registered interest in a student placement. Factors influencing the ability to secure a
placement included recognition of the benefits derived from completing a placement, and
parental experience of higher education. We found that graduates had benefited from work
experience financially, earning more than those who had not completed placements. They
had also found graduate positions more quickly and were more likely to be in work than those
who had graduated without completing a placement. The study provides evidence of the long-
term benefits of work placements to inform students, university staff, employers, and, where
appropriate, to influence government policy in increasing accessto student work placements ..
Placements, co-operative education, and internships, where students use and extend
the knowledge and skills gained at university in the workplace, are not a new feature of higher
education (Linn, 2015). They are, however, increasingly cited as a panacea for bridging
expectations between employers demanding skilled graduates and universities tasked with
supplying them {Silva et al., 2016). The headline statistics would support this view (for
example, Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2016): employment experience, such as a
student work placement, is consistently associated with improved employment rates when
graduates who did a work placement are compared with those who did not do a placement.
On the face of it, this is a compelling reason for gaining work experience while studying, but
not all students have access to work experience through their courses. Furthermore, many
university-organised placements are competitive, so that even those who aspire to gain a
placement may be unsuccessful, while some simply do not recognise the potential benefits
and fail to pursue the opportunity. There is currently little knowledge and understanding
about the ways in which students' backgrounds and contexts contribute to their decision-
making around taking a placement, meriting further investigation. This article describes a

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study exploring the experiences of recent computing graduates across Scotland, UK.The study
investigated graduates' historical experiences of non-compulsory placement while they were
at university and the impact of student work placement beyond graduation. This involved
identifying participants' perspectives on the contribution of placement to the process of
obtaining a graduate job and their subsequent career development. Participants included
graduates who had completed a placement, alongside those who had expressed interest but
had not completed one. A second area for consideration necessarily emerges: if placement is
found to be beneficial, to what extent are all students equally placed to realise those benefits?
Thus, the study also asked participants about their approaches to applications and asked
about their parents' experience of higher education. In this article, the term placement is used
to encompass all types of relevant paid work experience undertaken while studying,
irrespective of length or academic credit. Previous work on the transition from study to work
(in particular for the computing discipline) sets the context for the study.
Transitions into Employment
C UKgovernment research describes computer science (CS)graduates as "relatively slow
to move into work" (Business, Innovation and Skills Research, 2016, p.62). In the UK, 10.3% of
CSgraduates are unemployed 6 months after graduation, compared to the overall average of
6.1% (Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2016). Data focusing on a greater longitudinal
window shows that 4.9% of CS graduates from 2010-11 were unemployed 40 months later
(Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2015), an improvement on the 6-month figure but still the
highest unemployment rate across the disciplines surveyed. In an extensive review of
unemployment in computing, Shadbolt (2016, p.57) describes the "confusion" of job roles and
associated skills. In the process of securing graduate roles, computing graduates are required
to demonstrate a wide range of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes (Fincher & Finlay, 2016).
There are regular capacity and demand fluctuations in the sector, with international
companies expanding and contracting their global workforce, according to demand and the
cost of labour (Donnelly, Grimshaw, & Miozzo, 2011). While the likelihood of gaining stable
employment in IT may be uncertain at times, there is evidence to suggest that it also offers
relatively good prospects for upward social mobility: Marks and Baldry (2009, p.60) suggest
that software work "offers open-access socio-economic mobility to those with the necessary
talents without the significant value baggage which might be associated with the traditional
professions". In the context of the current debate about the role of higher education in
promoting social mobility (for example Marginson, 2016a), the relative success of computing,
combined with the known positive impact of work placement on graduate employment
(Shadbolt, 2016), sets access to work placement as a cornerstone for consolidating the social
mobility of graduates.
While the literature around placement emphasises a wide range of benefits accruing
to students and graduates, placement is also at the heart of an instrumental debate in the UK
about the need for universities to produce work-ready graduates who can easily navigate the
transition into employment. From employers' perspectives, placements bring new skills into

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their organisations and provide good quality and good value workers, often later recruited to
permanent positions (for example, Brooks & Youngson, 2016; Maertz, Stoeberl, & Marks,
2014). From students' perspectives, placements provide valuable real-life learning
experiences, improve their employment prospects, and inform their career plans {BIS
Research, 2016; Smith, Smith & Caddell, 2015). Indeed, the "majority of those who had not
undertaken any form of work experience later rued this decision" {BIS Research, 2016, p.8)
indicating, with hindsight, an appreciation of placement as a lost opportunity to enhance
employment prospects, develop industry contacts and enhance study-based skills and
knowledge. Similarly, Wilton {2012) found that graduates who had completed placement
unanimously felt that it had bestowed an advantage in the labour market and cited both
experience and new contacts as providing that advantage. Brooks and Youngson {2016) found
evidence of work placements leading to better degrees and contributing to easier routes to
graduate jobs. There are also wider benefits from work experience, including the
development of skills and confidence (Linn, 2015; Matsouka, & Mihail, 2016) and acquiring
dispositional knowledge (Clark & Zukas, 2016). Less positively, there is some evidence of a
"shadow of exploitation" whereby some employers expect placement students to do the work
offull-time staff for significantly less pay {Chillas, Marks, & Galloway, 2015, p.13). Furthermore
Chillas et al. found that not all placements provided opportunities for learning.
Research methods
Participants were drawn from computing graduates who had previously registered for
two national placement services in Scotland (e-Placement Scotland and Careerwise). Two
complementary methods were used: a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Both
placement service teams, together with university course leaders, emailed graduates across a
range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths {STEM) disciplines using their last
contact email address. Graduates were invited to complete an online questionnaire and be
entered into a prize draw. This study concerns the 99 valid responses received from Computing
graduates only. Survey respondents were invited to take part in a follow-up interview, and
interviews were arranged with 14 participants. Over half the survey respondents and
interviewees came from students who had attended the institution hosting the research. In
developing the data collection approach, the project team adhered to the host institution's
research ethics code of practice and, following a self-assessment of ethical issues arising,
obtained approval as both the survey and interviews satisfied the requirements of anonymity
and informed consent specified. The questionnaire was derived from previous studies into
students' experiences of placement (e.g., Ramirez et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2015; Smith,
Smith, Taylor-Smith, & Fotheringham, 2017). Both the questionnaire and interview protocol
were piloted before implementation. The questionnaire and interviews asked respondents
about their experiences of placements (and other work experience) whilst at university; their
early careers, including the process of getting a graduate job; and their current status. The
questionnaire and interviews also asked whether one or both of their parents had attended

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university. The semi-structured interviews (n=14) explored participants' career narratives in
detail, including their experiences of placements and related activities (from their current
perspectives), getting jobs after graduation, and working. Interviewees were encouraged to
discuss 'soft' skills, perceived work cultures, and networking. The interviews were recorded
and then transcribed using intelligent verbatim transcription to minimise the appearance of
filler words, repetition and digression, and the data utilised to further illuminate the
questionnaire results.
In spite of activity at universities to promote work placements, not all study
participants recognised the benefits accruing from placement. Survey text responses from
those who had not achieved a placement indicate a lack of social resources that might
otherwise have encouraged them to pursue placement with more vigour. These comments
indicate a lack of understanding of the part that a placement is likely to play in their career
post-university. Previous research has revealed that developing an awareness of work culture,
and consequent work-based social skills, is beneficial in facilitating access to workplaces
(Smith & Smith, 2016). Of course this is not a level playing field: Bathmaker et al.'s (2013) study
found that middle-class families with relevant social networks helped their children to get
good placements and sometimes paid their travel and maintenance; whereas working-class
students could not leave their paid part-time jobs to take on unpaid placements. This
phenomenon was also observed by Smith et al. (2015), with two-thirds of their student
participants expressing doubt about whether they could have taken up their placements if
these had not been paid positions. The positive relationship between parents' HE and
students getting placement in this study may reflect graduate parents being able to contribute
more financial support to their offspring, enabling students to be more flexible about retaining
part-time jobs and taking up (even paid) placements. Similarly, Chillas et al. (2015) found that
instead of levelling the playing field for graduate jobs, the current emphasis on internships for
employability within the ICT sector was "compounding social class advantage" (p.13) as
cultural and economic capitals, such as soft skills and access to finance, facilitated a wider
range of placements. Elsewhere, in terms of social mobility, Roberts, Brammar, and Cobb
(2017) found recognition by students in disadvantaged cohorts that work placement would
have lasting impact on their employability through enhancing their CVs and providing
evidence of work for future job applications. The importance of university and national
placement programs should not be underestimated; supporting infrastructures and
contextualised activities can be crucial in promoting and opening up the possibilities of work
experience to more diverse groups of students.
Work Placement Used to Secure Graduate Work
In this study, graduates with work placement experience were more likely to be
employed at the time of the survey, reflecting findings elsewhere (for example, Shadbolt,

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2016). From their perspectives as graduates, participants who had completed a placement felt
that this work experience had been essential in gaining their graduate jobs, by establishing
sought-after skills and experience. Several interviewees had purposively used work experience
narratives in job interviews, to create a picture of both technical competence and having a
good attitude to work. Clark, Zukas, and Lent (2011) similarly found placement to be a rich
context within which to acquire an understanding of workplace culture. However, recognising
the breadth of the IT profession, their study unearthed widely varying work cultures. Overall,
participants felt that work placements were considered by graduate employers to be an
indicator of merit. Merit, as recognised by recruiters, is commonly based on determination to
find work, graduating from an elite university and having relevant work experience (Brown,
Hesketh, & Williams, 2004; Marginson, 2016b; Morley, 2007; Smith et al., 2015). Most
universities have policies designed to widen participation that take account of social context;
the same is not true of most employers. As a means of overcoming prejudices amongst
recruiters, Cai (2013) proposes that universities work to overcome employers' beliefs in a
hierarchy of institutions and challenge the use of poorly understood educational credentials
as a proxy for graduates' ability (e.g., see Fincher & Finlay, 2016). Our findings suggest a more
inclusive approach to hiring for graduate roles may be too late for many in their transition to
work-those who did not recognise the benefits of a work placement or manage to secure
one are likely to find the graduate employment market more difficult to negotiate. Rather,
universities should work with employers to provide good quality, inclusive, paid placements.
Work Placement, Graduate Jobs, and Salaries
Work placement was found to lead to both higher graduate salaries and a shorter time
taken to find employment. However, there was considerable confusion in this study about the
nature of work in terms of whether the participants deemed their job to be graduate-level or
not. Many with professional job titles reported not being in graduate-level employment. In
terms of salary alone, Wilton also found "notably higher earnings for work placement
graduates" (2012, p.616), although he reported variation according to course studied. As
Tomlinson (2017) observes, universities are not in a position to change "economic realities"
(p.348). However, universities do have emancipatory potential through developing key skills
in students, facilitating the recognition and articulation of those skills, and in providing
opportunities to practice their skills. They have an important role to play in increasing
awareness of work placements as a route towards graduate employment. Furthermore,
universities have an important part to play in informing government policy and working with
employers and employer bodies to create work placement opportunities for students. This
study has provided evidence to inform universities in their approaches to work placements.
In particular, by presenting evidence of the benefits of work placements in securing well paid
graduate jobs, swiftly.

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Work Placement as a Site of Challenge
As discussed in the literature review, work placement has been approached as a site
of challenge as well as opportunity, with concerns around issues such as a lack of genuine
learning opportunities on placement and the potential for placement students to be exploited
(Chillas, Marks, & Galloway, 2015, p.13). Competition for placements is thought to present a
barrier particularly to students with low self-efficacy facing complex application processes
requiring time and effort. Perhaps most fundamentally, the role of placement as a mechanism
for overcoming social and economic disparities is challenged by data suggesting that further
employment disadvantages persist for those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who
have completed placement (Moores, Birdi, and Higson, 2017). In this study, some challenges
are apparent around pre-access to placement, principally lack of knowledge and awareness
of placement, however, the numbers reporting this are small. Perhaps more significant is the
apparent positive relationship between parental experience of higher education and the
likelihood of taking a placement, which could be potentially understood as a barrier for those
whose parents have no higher education experience. More reassuringly, the study does not
provide any further evidence for problematic experiences of students while actually on
placement. However, the problem of unequal accessto placement is perennial and enduring,
and issues around inclusivity in placement practice (and in wider forms of work-integrated
learning) and enablers of inclusive approaches (e.g., Mackaway, Winchester-Seeto, & Carter,
2014; Mackaway, Carter, Winchester-Seeto, & Whiteford, 2017) merit further examination by
academics and placement professionals, as well as by policymakers.
This study investigated graduates' perspectives on placements: the role of placement
in finding work, and, with the benefit of reflection, the impact of placement on their early
careers. The study found that a work placement enhanced access to graduate roles and a link
was found between work placement and graduate salary: overall, graduates who had
completed a student work placement were in work more quickly and earned more. So, the
benefits are clear; how all students realise these benefits is less clear. Explaining the value of
the placement opportunity is something universities can work on. Universities and employers
also need to work together to help students who are dissuaded from taking up placements
by financial challenges, such as needing to prioritise part-time jobs. The challenge for
universities is to consider how resources can best be directed to promote inclusivity in their
approaches to work placement, especially with respect to their relationships with employer.
Greater awareness of how students approach opportunities for work experience should feed
into the design of meaningful placement preparation and post-placement reflection. Targeting
resources, such as placement tutors and the development of new curricula, in order to
increase access to work placements is a worthwhile activity for universities-as long as
equality of opportunity is addressed. Government policies leading to initiatives to widen

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access to university and increase work experience must encompass influence beyond
university entrance, through universities and on to employers.
Source: Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C. F, and Webster, G. (2018). The impact of work
placement on graduate employment in computing: Outcomes from a UK-based study.
International Journal of Work-Integrated learning, 19(4), 359-369.
Part 1: Comprehension questions
[20 marks]
1. According to paragraph B, what research gap necessitated this study?
2. On what is this study contextualised (paragraph B)?
3. Using information in paragraph A, explain the contribution of this study.
4. Connect each source(s) to their findings. Write down the Roman number of the finding
and the letter of the corresponding source(s). One of the study options is a distractor. (2)
The findings
The studies (sources)
In the UK, 10.3% of CS graduates
a) (Business, Innovation and Skills
are unemployed 6 months after
Research, 2016, p.62).
graduation, compared to the
overall average of 6.1%
b) Marks and Baldry (2009, p.60)
Software work "offers open-access
socio-economic mobility to those
with the necessary talents without
the significant value baggage which
might be associated with the
traditional professions":
c) (Higher Education
Agency, 2016)
5. According to the article, how are placements perceived by:
a) Students
b) Employers
6. Despite its accrued benefits, work placement has its downside. State it.
7. State any two roles of universities in the work placement (paragraph H).

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8. Find a word that is closest in meaning to each of the following descriptions in each of the
given paragraphs.
a) A solution or remedy (Par. B)
b) To find a way (Par. D)
c) Accumulating or benefiting (Par. D)
9. To what do the following pronouns refer as used in the text?
a) We (Par A)
b) Those (Par B)
10. The researcher recommends universities-employers collaboration in paragraph J. For
Part 2: Language usage
[10 marks]
1. Identify the word formation process that was used to form the following words. (2)
a) Long-term (Par. A)
b) CV (Par. F)
2. Identify any two cohesive devices used in paragraph F.
3. State the functions of the cohesive devices mentioned in Q2.
4. State whether the following words are derivational or inflectional morphemes.
a) Mobility (Par. C)
b) Dissuaded (Par. J)
5. Show the morpheme structure of the following words used in the text:
a) Reassuringly (Par. I)
b) Fundamentally (Par. I)
Part 3: Research analysis questions
[10 marks]
1. Differentiate the 'population' and 'sample' of the study.
2. Comment on the participants of this study.
3. State the data collection tools used in the study.
4. Explain how the researcher ensured that research ethics were adhered to. (2)
5. How were the interview data processed?

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Part 1: Report writing questions
[15 marks]
Read the newspaper article below.
Escalating pupil drop-out figures at SA schools remains greatest concern for authorities
Learner drop-out, although a global phenomenon, has tremendous effects on the
communities of developing countries, including South Africa. According to the UNICEFabout
250 000 school-going children drop out of school every year. Research shows alarming rates
of pupil drop-out in South African schools, that is presumably escalating.
Pupils' failure to understand teachers in class is one of the many causes of them dropping out.
The school drop-out rate is of particular concern because pupils who drop out of school
prematurely will experience a lack of access to higher education, fewer job opportunities
and lower wages than their peers who finished their schooling. The 2022 matric cohort faced
insurmountable odds to get to their last grade. Many of these pupils had to skip some days of
school attendance to comply with Covid-19 regulations.
The Grade 10 curriculum for the 2022 matric cohort was not completed in 2020, and this gap
may have in some way led to some pupils dropping out. Black communities are already
disadvantaged in terms of infrastructure, resources (material, human and financial),
overcrowding, socio-economic dispensation, and a whole number of factors. All this
contributes to the high dropout rate. Females, have to stop attending school due to family
commitments (13.4%), while close to 5% of males stopped attending school because they had
no interest in education.
Among the other factors linked to school drop-out rates is teenage pregnancy, which
contributes to high girl-child absences from school. Motherhood responsibilities coupled with
home chores and schoolwork weigh heavily on girl.
Report writing instructions
The Director of Education, Khomas region, is concerned about the rising cases of secondary
school students who drop out of school. On 30 April 2024, The Director instructed you as
Education officer to investigate the situation and avail your findings on or before 30 May 2024.
Write your Report title and the Report introductory paragraph only. Pay attention to format,
paragraph structure, and the content required in the introduction section of a report, about
100 words in length.

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Part 2: Academic writing
[20 marks]
1. Which part of the writing process is illustrated by each of the following activities? Write
the letters a-e and the answer next to each letter.
(a) Creation of
even if messy,
to ensure that
the structure
and plan are
working well.
(b) The analysis
of the
questions or
topic to fully
what is
required of
(c) Writing
down all the
that comes to
mind when you
think about the
topic in no
specific order.
(d) Making any
changes to
work you have
already done,
at any point in
the writing
rewriting a
paragraph, etc.
(e) Organising
ideas into
paragraphs to
know exactly
what you are .
going to say
2. Observe the following paragraph. Identify the academic writing conventions adhered or not
adhered in the paragraph. Write the sentence number and the convention's name, e.g. 1-
1 Several interviewees may have purposively used work experience narratives in job
interviews, to create a picture of both technical competence and having a good attitude to
work. 2Clark, Zukas, and Lent {2011) similarly found the placement to be a rich context within
which to acquire an understanding of workplace culture. 3 However, recognising the breadth
of the IT profession, my study unearthed widely varying work cultures. 4 Overall, participants
felt that work placements were considered by graduate employers to be an indicator of merit.
5 Most universities haven't policies designed to widen participation that take account of social
context; the same is not true of most employers. 6 As a means of overcoming prejudices
amongst recruiters, Cai (2013) proposes that universities work to overcome employers' beliefs
in a hierarchy of institutions and challenge the use of poorly understood educational
credentials as a proxy for graduates' ability (e.g., see Fincher & Finlay, 2016).
3. The sentences below exemplify ways in which writers can incorporate other scholars' ideas
in their writing. Read the sentences and in each case identify the method used to incorporate
other scholars' ideas.

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(a) Marks and Baldry {2009, p.60) suggest that software work "offers open-access socio-
economic mobility to those with the necessary talents without the significant value baggage
which might be associated with the traditional professions".
(b) Merit, as recognised by recruiters, is commonly based on the determination to find work,
graduating from an elite university and having relevant work experience (Brown, Hesketh, &
Williams, 2004; Marginson, 2016b; Morley, 2007; Smith et al., 2015).
(c) Clark, Zukas, and Lent {2011) similarly found the placement to be a rich context within
which to acquire an understanding of workplace culture.
4. Some of the common errors in students' assignments include subject-verb disagreements,
comma splices, pronoun referent disagreements, run-on sentences, and sentence fragments.
Which of these errors is exemplified in the sentences below?
(a) ..... were considered by graduate employers to be an indicator of merit.
(b) Graduates were invited to complete an online questionnaire and be entered into a prize
draw this study concerns the 99 valid responses received from Computing graduates only.
(c) This article describes a study exploring the experiences of recent computing graduates
across Scotland, UK, the study investigated graduates' historical experiences of non-
compulsory placement while they were at university and the impact of student work
placement beyond graduation.
(d) Rather, universities should work with employers to provides good quality, inclusive, paid
Part 3: Text structure
[10 marks]
Read the following two paragraphs and answer the questions that follow:
A. Why was the Great Chicago Fire so disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire departments and
fire alarms. One reason for the terrible fire is that the alarm malfunctioned. The local fire
company noticed the fire by accident as it was returning from another fire. As another
problem, a watchman who saw the flames directed other fire companies to a location that
was nearly a mile away from the fire. Because of these two problems, a fire that could
have been controlled rapidly spread across the city.
B. Freezer burn may have wasted more ice cream than sidewalks. If you don't know, freezer
burn is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice cream. These ice crystals can ruin the
texture and flavour of the ice cream. But you can prevent freezer burn. Since freezer burn
is caused when melted ice cream is refrozen, rather than eating your ice cream from the
container as it melts, scoop your ice cream into a bowl and put the container back in the
fridge immediately. Doing this ought to help you solve your issues with freezer burn.

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1. Identify the text structure used in each of the two paragraphs
2. Write down two words from each paragraph that give you a clue about the type of text
structure you identified above.
3. Mention the type of model used in each of the two paragraphs.
Part 4: Citation and reference (APA 7TH edition)
[15 marks]
Read the following sentences on communicable diseases and using the reference list below,
answer questions 4.1 and 4.2. In each case select one answer from the options provided to
complete the sentence. Write only the question number and the letter of the correct answer
(e.g. 4.1. X).
[1] Wang P, Li Z, Jones A, Bodner ME, Dean E. Discordance between lifestyle-related health
behaviours and beliefs of urban mainland Chinese: A questionnaire study with
implications for targeting health education. AIMS Public Health. 2019;6(1):49-66.
[2] Phillips JA. Chlamydia Infections. Workplace Health Safety. 2019 Jul;67(7):375-376.
[3] Whitty CJM, Ansah E. Malaria control stalls in high incidence areas. BMJ. 2019 May
21;365: 12216.
4.1 Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria that people spread to
one another through contact with contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, blood products, insect
bites, or through the air ____
[source 1].
a) Wang P,Li Z, Jones A, Bodner ME, Dean E, 2019
b) Wang, Li, Jones, Bodner, Dean (2019)
c) (Wang et al., 2019)
d) Wang, et al. (2019)
4.2 There has undoubtedly been a global decline in the number of infected children.
However, the incidence among adults has increased due to the larger population of an adult
who lacks antibodies that are protective against HAV_______
[ source 2 and
source 3].
a) Phillips JA (2019) and Whitty CJM, Ansah E (2019)

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b) Phillips J.A., 2019 & Whitty C.M.J. and Ansah E., 2019
c) (Phillips, 2019 & Whitty and Ansah, 2019)
d) (Phillips, 2019; Whitty & Ansah, 2019)
4.3 Complete the sentence below.
An integral/author prominent citation is integrated into the sentence and always has a
reporting verb; however, if a quotation is longer than three lines, it must be ____
quotation marks left out.
The following questions are based on the reference list above. Study the reference list and
answer the following questions. For multiple-choice questions, write only the question
number and the letter of the correct answer (e.g. 4.1. X).
4.4 What type of academic sources are presented by source 1 and source 2?
a) printed books
b) online books
c) printed journal articles
d) on line journal articles
4.5. Sources in the reference list are not aligned to the APA referencing style. Which of the
following versions of source 1 is aligned with the APA style of referencing?
a) Wang P, Li Z, Jones A, Bodner M.E, Dean E. 2019. Discordance between lifestyle-
related health behaviours and beliefs of urban mainland Chinese: A
questionnaire study with implications for targeting health education. AIMS
Public Health. 6(1): 49-66.
b) Wang, P.,Li, Z., Jones, A., Bodner, M. E., Dean, E. 2019. Discordance between lifestyle-
Related health behaviours and beliefs of urban mainland Chinese: A
questionnaire Study with implications for targeting health education. AIMS
Public Health. 6(1): 49-66.
c) Wang, P.,Li, Z., Jones, A., Bodner, M. E., and Dean, E. (2019). Discordance between
lifestyle-related health behaviours and beliefs of urban mainland Chinese:

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A questionnaire study with implications for targeting health education. AIMS
Public Health. 6(1): 49-66.
d) Wang, P.,Li, Z., Jones, A., Bodner, M. E., & Dean, E. (2019). Discordance between
lifestyle-related health behaviours and beliefs of urban mainland Chinese:
A questionnaire study with implications for targeting health education. AIMS
Public Health, 6(1), 49-66.
4.6 What is indicated by each of the following information in source 1 of the reference list?
a) 6
c) AIMS Public Health