1.1. Give three reasons why photoperiodism is important for plants?
1.2. Explain what is meant by differentiation, giving two examples.
1.3 List the three principal criteria by which an element can be judged essential or non-
essential to a plant.
1.4. Explain in detail the cohesion-tension theory.
1.5. What do you understand by the term cellular respiration?
2.1. Differentiate between the Symplastic and the Apoplastic pathway.
2.2. Differentiate between a plant cell and an animal cell, by listing the main difference
between the two cells.
2.3. Why is nitrogen important in plants and what do you understand by the term nitrogen
2.4. Discussthe pollination and fertilisation process in Angiosperms.
2.5. Vegetables can be classified in different categories, briefly discuss the classification by
climate and give an example of each.
3.1. List the two types of mycorrhizal fungi and explain how they facilitate nutrient (including
which nutrient is important in which fungi) uptake by plant roots. Also discuss nitrogen-fixing
bacteria in roots, giving an example.
3.2. Define water potential and explain how it is influenced by solutes, pressure, gravity, and
the matric potential.
3.3. Water deficit can have a negative impact on plant growth. In your own words, discuss the
morphological, physiological, biochemical and growth responses of plants to water stress.
3.4. Define plant catabolism and describe the three stages of catabolism in details.
3.5 Give an example of a C3, C4, and CAM plants and differentiate between their
photosynthetic pathways.
Final Marks: 100